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RE: [cdt-dev] Persisting discovered scanner configuration

I think the solution for sharing user-defined scanner configuration is
the use of path variables (which CDT doesn't support right now).
However, that won't help for your automatically discovered
configurations.  Maybe these should go in the plugin state directory
somewhere, or possibly in the preference store?

  Jeremiah Lott
  TimeSys Corporation

-----Original Message-----
From: Vladimir Hirsl [mailto:vhirsl@xxxxxxxxxx] 
Sent: Monday, March 15, 2004 5:06 PM
To: cdt-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [cdt-dev] Persisting discovered scanner configuration

you are absolutely right. '.cdtproject' is the file where the current
defined scanner configuration is stored. If it remains where it is it
impact the whole team if any developer  tries to customize it. On the 
other hand, if is stored elsewhere then developers will not be able to 
share common configuration elements. Maybe we need something like 
Eclipse's Exporting/Importing preferences to share common CDT 


> Vlad,
> There will be team implications if you save this information in the 
> 'cdtproject' file. I am not sure if there is a better place for this
> information, but if it varies from user to user, then the project 
> file is not the best candidate. 
> Sean Evoy
> Rational Software - IBM Software Group
> Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
> Hi All,
> Now that we are in dawn of having some scanner configuration 
> discovered
> (captured?) from the build output there is a question of persisting

> information. For standard make projects user specified (the only kind
> available so far) scanner configuration is currently handled by the 
> MakeScannerProvider. 
> An entity is needed that will persist discovered scanner configuration
> well as the user specified one. The reason why MakeScannerProvider is
> a viable choice is that discovered scanner configuration requires more
> information persisted then user specified scanner configuration. So to

> avoid change of format in .cdtproject file I propose adding 
> DiscoveredScannerInfoProvider that will persist discovered scanner 
> configuration and delegate handling of the user specified part to the 
> MakeScannerProvider. In case of disabled scanner config discovery, the

> system would fall back to MakeScannerProvider only.
> Hope to get your suggestions and comments in this matter.
> Thanks,
> Vladimir Hirsl
> Rational Software - IBM Software Group
> Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

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