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Re: [cdt-dev] Proofing the CDT w/ large projects

Chris Songer <songer@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> said:

> Thomas,
> What speed / class of machine were you running on? Was this a 1g/256m 
> machine or 3g/1g machine? I'm curious only because this kind of
> information 
> will be helpful as we look to set expectations with the AEs and
> customers.

The basic measurements were done on a machine with a configuration:
  - Host hardware: P4 3GHz w/ 1GB of RAM
  - IDE run with -Xms256m -Xmx512m

The search and indexing qualifications were done on my laptop:
  - Centrino 1.5Ghz w/ 512M RAM 


> At 09:49 AM 2/2/2004 +0000, Thomas Fletcher wrote:
> >Folks,
> >
> >   Just thought you would be interested to hear a bit about the
> environment
> >that one of our customers is working with using CDT 1.2:
> >
> >- Project tree contains 5.68 GB of content when fully built
> >- Distributed over 38,601 files in 3,783 directories
> >- Development file breakdown:
> >   27   *.cxx
> >   464  *.c
> >   6039 *.cpp
> >
> >   3    *.hxx
> >   2453 *.hpp
> >   9061 *.h
> >
> >   2    *.so
> >   35   *.dll
> >   45   *.lib
> >   75   *.exe
> >   994  *.a
> >   6206 *.so
> >
> >The time it takes to load this project into the IDE initially (on a
> 3Ghz
> >machine) is ~3m, but subsequent IDE start-ups are in the 7s timeframe.
> >Compared to previous versions of CDT, this is pretty awesome!
> >
> >The big bottleneck right now seems to be the indexer.  Initially it
> takes
> > >5m to index the 15,000+ source files and then >2m to pull out all of
> the
> >classes and types from a search (I'm testing via the Open Type action
> >Chris Wiebe implemented).  (Note: It is also killer for the code
> completion
> >perfomance it seems since the user doesn't get any feedback about what
> is
> >happening).
> >
> >Some things I've noticed and am looking into:
> >- There are a number of scanner and parser errors (ranging from
> failures
> >   to outright exceptions).  This is likely due to an improperly
> configured
> >   source base (no #defines, #includes set), but shouldn't affect the
> >   re-indexing operation.
> >
> >- There are a couple of "expected exceptions" which then return null,
> for
> >   example in FileListBlock.getFile(int fileNum) we hit the exception
> >   condition very often.  Checking the range and returning null
> improves
> >   the performance
> >
> >- There are a couple of mystery exceptions I still haven't figured out.
> >   For example WordEntry.mapRefs(int [] mappings) is often throwing an
> >   ArrayIndexOutOfBounds exception ... this is trouble I believe and
> >   leads to:
> >
> >- The fact that in the IndexManager.getIndex(IPath, boolean, boolean)
> >   we (in this particular project) are never retrieving an index which
> >   has a known state (it is always UNKNOWN_STATE) which means we go and
> >   rebuild the index for everything.
> >
> >I think that with Chris Wiebe's "Open Type" contributed plugin and a
> >moderately large project you should be able to see this kind of churn.
> >I'm looking into it, but thought that the indexer guy (Hi Bogdan!)
> might
> >have some thoughts about what is going on.
> >
> >Also ... it takes a fair amount of time to add in 15,000+ entries using
> >the IndexAllProject.execute() -> IndexManager.addSource() method,
> several
> >seconds at least in my environment.
> >
> >Just passing along some observations.  Unfortunately I can't pass along
> the
> >source base, but I will certainly try and pull out relevant information
> as
> >requested/required and dig into this while I can.
> >
> >Thanks,
> >  Thomas
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