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Re: [cdt-dev] Two more suggestions for CDT 2.0 Managed Build functionality

> Thanks, Leo, this is great feedback.
> I am currently gathering all the info and will produce a proposal by the 
> end of next week. We can then have a thorough discussion at the Nov 12 
> meeting and hopefully come up with some good plans to get started on.

Quick note, we are looking to "beef" up the Standard Make plugin
with all sort of things, code completion, outliner, syntax color, hovering etc ...
Some of it is already in the Head branch.

Also for the wizard, things like dumping a generate Makefile and the interesting possibility
of "maintaining" a Makefile for the user.  It is not a managed builder,
it is more a smart listener that can "maintain" part of a Makefile
depending of ICElementDelta events fired by the C Core Model.
It is round trip.


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