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Re: [cdt-dev] Patch proposal for bug 44134

+1 on the updated patch from Sean


cdt-dev-admin@xxxxxxxxxxx wrote on 10/03/2003 02:00:45 PM:

> Hi All,
> I have a simple patch proposal for a critical bug, 44134. The problem 
> in how the makefile is generated when a build target references other 
> projects. The makefile creates a command to change to the build 
> of the referenced project and call $(MAKE) there, i.e.
>         cd <dep_project_build_dir>; $(MAKE) clean all 
> The problem arises when the directory change fails. As of RC0, the 
> after the semi-colon is evaluated. Unfortunately, it evaluates to a 
> recursive make call in the build directory of the build target and 
> will keep invoking more 'make's until Eclipse runs out of memory. With a 

> manual build, the user can still cancel the build. When autobuild is 
> turned on, they cannot. The only way to shut down Eclipse under that 
> scenario is to kill it, and when it restarts, autobuild is still enabled 

> and the problem repeats.
> The best solution is to ignore dependencies on empty projects, but the 
> simplest (and more generally applicable) solution is to NOT perform the 
> 'make' command if the 'cd' fails, i.e.
>         cd <dep_project_build_dir> && $(MAKE) clean all 
> When the dependencies are generated this way, the 'cd' will fail as will 

> the build. The final tweak is to ignore the 'cd' failure and allow the 
> rest of the build to continue, i.e.
>         -cd <dep_project_build_dir> && -$(MAKE) clean all 
> I think that this is a legitimate problem that is severe enough to 
> a new RC. The patch amounts to a 2-line change in my code, and has no 
> impact on the rest of the build system. 
> I would like to get a committer vote on this proposal. I have included 
> patch so you can evaluate the delta.
> Thanks,
> Sean Evoy
> Rational Software - IBM Software Group
> Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
> [attachment "cdt-managedbuilder-core-patch.txt" deleted by John 
> Camelon/Ottawa/IBM] 

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