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[cdt-dev] CDT and Configurations

I've been looking at using Eclipse for some C/C++ development, but found that the absence of "configurations" has me deeply troubled. Although the whole concept of configurations might not be significant in Java development, it is absolutely CRUCIAL in C/C++ development. How many development projects have you worked on where you were NOT able to easily change between debug and release modes?

Visual Studio, C++ Builder, and Metrowerks all give you the ability to easily change between a debug and release mode, and even allow you to create additional configurations. It seems as though Eclipse put the configuration management one level up, allowing you to create different RUN and DEBUG configurations, rather than putting it a bit lower to have you work within a configuration.

If this topic has been covered before, please excuse me. I've searched this list, and read all of the CDT 1.2 and 2.0 (what little there is) project plans to figure out if this is going to be addressed any time soon. But, unfortunately, it isn't even covered.

So, any thoughts?



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