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[cdt-dev] Re: [cdt-patch] Scanner Interface for Managed and Standard Build Models

Thanks Sam,
I think your suggestion has a lot of merit. When I was thinking about how to add path and symbol information to the standard build, I decided to concentrate build-specific information in the .cdtbuild file, leaving the .cdtproject file for the QNX Descriptor manager mechanism. To me, that meant storing the stop on error and make command setting, as well as the path and symbol information since they are all build-related. The binary parser stuff is not really part of the build model, so I thought I would leave it as a preference on the project.  However, in the end, I decided to only use the .cdtbuild file for the new information I was adding just in case there were fielded products that had dependencies on the .cdtproject file contents. In the end, the decision sort of felt like debating how many angels  can dance on the head of a pin; I just wanted to store the information, it didn't really matter where and it was annoying to have to think about it.

If we do decide to use one file, we should create something like the extension point mechanism; the file would contain named subsection that you could create and read from as you needed to. Only your named section would be read and stored to when you opened or saved the information; the mechanism would ignore every other section in the file. An extension point could be used to register named sections to avoid naming conflicts.

We should also bear in mind that these dot-project files are really for storing settings that are not user-specific or that you want to be able to share between team members. You can always use the properties mechanism to persist user-specific information from one session to the next.

Sean Evoy
Rational Software - IBM Software Group
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

"Alain Magloire" <alain@xxxxxxx>
Sent by: cdt-dev-admin@xxxxxxxxxxx

07/03/2003 11:54 PM

Please respond to

[cdt-dev] Re: [cdt-patch] Scanner Interface for Managed and Standard Build Models

> Sean,
>   I'm really impressed with the work you've been doing
> with the managed build framework.
> > The information is persisted in the 'cdtbuild' file
> > introduced by the new managed build system.=20
>   Is there (or is there planned) a mechanism or extension
> point for introducing foreign data into this file?  The
> proliferation of dot files (.project, .cdtproject, .cdtbuild,
> .mypluginsettings, etc.) can be rather annoying.



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