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Re: [cdt-dev] Next CDT Conference Call

I'd like to go ahead with the meeting this week, if possible.  I'm in Ottawa this week, so it would be a good time to meet in-person with some of the folks at IBM Rational for the call on Wednesday.


On Fri, Jun 27, 2003 at 12:16:44PM -0400, Kleanthis Hapitas wrote:
> All,
> We've talked about wanting to get back onto having monthly CDT conference 
> calls on the first Wednesday of every month. That would make the next call 
> on Wednesday July 2. Given the holidays (both in Canada and the US) next 
> week, we may not have many participants. If the people who usually dial in 
> to these calls feel that next week would not make sense, we could put the 
> call off until the week after (July 9). 
> For now l'll assume that the call will take place as planned on July 2, 
> and if I start to see responses that we should delay it I'll send out 
> another email to that effect.
> Meeting Agenda:
> - Program level updates
>       - CDT 1.2 content
>       - CDT 1.2 schedule
>       - CDT 2.0 timing
> - Participant updates (around the virtual table)
> - Discussion of other frameworks/features (not already covered as part of 
> the CDT 1.2 discussion)
> - Infrastructure
>       - Builds
>       - Web Site
> - Documentation
> - Verification
> - Other
> Conference Call details are:
> Dial-in:  1 866 680 0993  (international: 1 865 297 1125)
> Participant Code: 940468
> Cheers,
> Kleo Hapitas
> Program Manager
> IBM Software Group - Rational
> Tel: (613) 591 2913
Jeremy Handcock <handcock@xxxxxxxxxx>
Red Hat Canada, Toronto
(416) 482-2661 x303

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