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Re: [cdt-dev] gdbserver

I'll need to claim some ignorance here. Someone else worked on the plugin, and suggested that I see if the community was interested.

It's not an attempt to solve the big picture, but more an attempt to solve the little one (in the short term), of using gdbserver.

The license is definitely CPL, though I don't think we made any attempts to change existing headers from CDT code we used as a starting point, so any QNX copyright notices may still be in tact. :-)

I've attached it as a compressed tarball, which is under 10k.

The plugins deal less with the target than with the gdb tool being used. There's a new "GDB Server Debugger" selection in the Debugger tab, when debugging an application. It has places to enter host/port or serial device name, and the gdb executable.

I hope it's useful.


Alain Magloire wrote:
We have a couple of plugins to support gdbserver for CDT 1.0.1. Any interest in the source code for these? (if so, where should I send it?)

Very good questions:

- Where should I send it?
  The suggestion was to provide on the home page of CDT, a place or at least links
  to related CDT plugins done outside of the CDT.  It is not in place yet.
  So if the plugins are not giga megs, an attachement to a posting mailing/newsgroup
  or a link to the repository, would be nice.

- Any interest in the source code for these?
  Always 8-).  The situation is this, we would like the remote debugging
  to be more integrated in the workflow, for example relations to the builder
  since if you want to debug for a target you need to build the executables.
  The are other ramifications to other part of CDT.

- What is the code license?
  this is an issue for any donation to the CDT.
- Do the plugins have a generic interface to represent a  remote target ?
  If yes, maybe we can use it as a starting point.

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Sunnyvale, CA 94085         Email: bmoyle@xxxxxxxxxx

Attachment: gdbserver.tgz
Description: GNU Zip compressed data

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