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Re: [cdt-dev] CEditor bombs in M5

> It is already done this way, look more carefully at the Core Model API.
> You can actually choose your parser base on a property of the project.

Right, you go in and select a radio button that says Elf or PE in the UI
which sets a property.  Well, what if I have a project that makes both?
Personally I have worked at two companies where a single project would
generate files in 2-3 different binary formats and so having to pick which 
one to use seems silly when it could just "know" which one to use.

And if you add in support for a new binary file type (say core.utils.foobin.*) 
you need to go in and augment things in packages outside of utils to 
understand how to use this interface (FoobinBinaryParser, ...).  
Unlike (for example) BFD which abstracts it all so the upper layers don't 
need to worry about it.  Am I wrong?


  Chris McKillop <cdm@xxxxxxx>   "The faster I go, the behinder I get."
  Software Engineer, QSSL                   -- Lewis Carroll --

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