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[cdt-cloud-dev] Project Rename from "Eclipse" to "Eclipse CDT Cloud"

Hi all,

I'd like to inform you that the project leads and committers of the project [1] agreed they would like to rename the project from Eclipse to Eclipse CDT Cloud.

The reason for this change is that .cloud is a top level domain and thus implies being a valid URL. Thus, people typing this name into the browser's address bar will be directed to the URL instead of a search engine looking for this term. As the project wasn't able to buy the domain due to rather high cost, they would like to remove the . (dot) of the project name, in order to avoid this issue.

Therefore, a restructuring review [2] is in process.

Thanks and best wishes,



Dr. Philip Langer

Principal Software Architect / General Manager
EclipseSource Austria

EclipseSource Services GmbH
Schwindgasse 20 / 2-3
1040 Wien

General Manager: Dr. Philip Langer
Registered Office: Schwindgasse 20 / 2-3, 1040 Wien; Handelsgericht Wien, FN 421413a

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