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Re: [cdi-dev] This is StillDI

So, there are 2 "builds" at play when we talk about native image compilation: first, we compile Java source code (producing bytecode), and second, we compile bytecode (producing a native binary). During source code compilation [1], we run bean discovery (including extensions). But during native image compilation, thanks to native image's capacity to snapshot the Java heap, we can actually execute some initialization code [2]. This is when we boot the CDI container, create the application context and fire the `@Initialized(ApplicationScoped.class) Object` event.
[1] Actually during subsequent bytecode manipulation in our (Quarkus) case, but the Micronaut folks actually do it during source code compilation, as they use annotation processors.
[2] Specifically, we can run static initializers. See also
I think this should be an implementation detail, and I think it's a valid implementation strategy. But it also means that application context initialization no longer coincides with application startup.
Makes sense?
Ah! Yes, that was really helpful, thank you.
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