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Re: [cdi-dev] CDI profiles (was RE: About parsing beans.xml files in Lite)

On Wed, Jan 27, 2021 at 4:14 PM Edward Moore <edward.moore39@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

On Wednesday, 27 January 2021, 14:20:51 GMT, Graeme Rocher <> wrote:

> I don't think naming names helps in this scenario, the overall tone of the various threads is very much people attacking other approaches rather than providing any actual useful insight or suggestions to move the conversation forward.

Nah, people are just passionate about their point of view. I don't see much hostility tbh.

> You want to know why Spring won and is by far the most dominant framework in the Java ecosystem and CDI is still a footnote in comparison?

Their unique approach to marketing?

> Because the Spring team is immensely adaptable to evolving technologies and not held back by design-by-committee processes that are openly hostile to progress.

Nah, the design-by-committee thing in Java EE has not been there for a decade or more. It's all open source and open processes these days. That's why we are having this discussion here now ;)

> In fact Spring Boot was an evolution of Spring whereby they made a conscious decision not to support Spring XML which was at the time the main way to configure Spring.

Java EE started to use annotations in Java EE 5, which was long before Spring started to use them. In fact, I remember Spring still preaching the advantages of XML then (separating code and config, making Spring code independent of Spring since everything Spring was in the XML config).

Then when annotations became a big success in Java EE, Spring followed after some years.

And that's okay. Java EE and Spring have inspired each other throughout their lifetimes, and this synergy made them both better frameworks.

> Today Spring Boot is the main way and they will probably drop support for XML all together, ie the community and the technology evolved to new and better ways to do things.

CDI never had a full XML config. It was discussed during the CDI 1.0 days, and there was a prototype, but eventually it was dropped. Modern Java EE specs like security and JSON don't have any XML config at all.

I wasn't arguing the merits of XML vs Annotation-based config, I think that is missing the point somewhat.

I am arguing that the Spring team has actively evolved the way Spring works over the years to support new approaches and that is something that should be encouraged within the CDI specification process whether that is through profiles or whatever mechanism to avoid stagnation.

Most of the folks arguing against the proposal are upset that the new proposal won't support a previous approach (runtime extensions) which doesn't make a great deal of sense. Imagine if the Spring core team had told the Spring Boot team they must support XML in order to release it? It unjustifiably halts progress IMO.


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Graeme Rocher

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