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Re: [cdi-dev] CDI profiles (was RE: About parsing beans.xml files in Lite)


On Tue, Jan 26, 2021 at 4:22 PM Manfred Riem <m_riem@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
  1. Drop the notion of CDI Lite
  2. Introduce the notion of CDI profiles
  3. Define 3 profiles for the CDI specification
    1. CDI
    2. CDI – CP (Core Profile)
    3. CDI – BTF (Build Time Profile)
  4. Make 3c an optional profile as far as the specification is concerned (EE runtimes should not have to be required to support 3c)


Where 3b is a proper subset of 3a and 3c is a subgroup of 3b (or in other words 3c uses 3b and it is allowed to add its own incompatible  “sugar”).



That''s a good start to look at it. It's a little like the layers I mentioned in another post. Don't forget that Jakarta DI (previously AtInject/JSR 330) is also in the mix there.

The next step would be to determine what's exactly in which profile. 

Kind regards,


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