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Re: [cbi-dev] Job seems to be in pending for over an hour and no other jobs are running on

Thanks, Jonah. I'll raise awareness internally, to see what's going on.


On 2022-11-09 21:34, Jonah Graham wrote:
Hi Denis,

From my perspective things are looking a little unusual, not sure exactly why. Is the cluster overloaded?

For example this build took 1h30 to provision a pod, and like Scott's messages, it looks like some failure/retry is happening because it looks like lots of different pods are being created (notice in the log I linked to that each "Created Pod" line is different). It's not just CDT, as LSP4J had a ~20 minute delay with 6 new "Created Pod" lines too.


Jonah Graham
Kichwa Coders

On Mon, 7 Nov 2022 at 15:36, Denis Roy <denis.roy@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Thanks, Scott. We're here and we're listening, and these messages were helpful.

We haven't seen anything abnormal with cluster operations. Can we chalk this up as a weird anomaly until it reproduces itself?


On 2022-11-07 15:03, Scott Marlow wrote: seemed to almost start running right away.  So, the problem mentioned below may of gone away.

On 11/7/22 2:23 PM, Scott Marlow wrote: finally ran (after waiting around 3 hours). 

I just scheduled to run, will see how long that takes.

On 11/7/22 1:07 PM, Scott Marlow wrote:

On 11/7/22 11:51 AM, Scott Marlow wrote:

Hi, seems to be in pending mode for just over an hour.  Any idea why that is?

Current pending/suspended status copied from ^ link:

Build Queue (1)
10 » eftl-jakartaeetck-build-100    cancel this build

Build Executor Status
 basic-xx3m1 (launching...)   (suspended

It seems like the identified `basic-xx3m1` node will be replaced by a new node in a loop after some time that never succeeds in running the job. 


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Denis Roy

Director, IT Services | Eclipse Foundation

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Denis Roy

Director, IT Services | Eclipse Foundation

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Twitter: @droy_eclipse

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