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Re: [cbi-dev] Procedure to deploy to

On 10/27/2015 02:11 PM, Andreas Sewe wrote:
Same thing goes for mirror and stats URIs.
There is one common resource, however, which I would really like to be
offered by CBI: a common index.html for update sites that adheres to's current theme.
At Code Recommenders we use [2] and the maven-remote-resource-plugin to
copy it into place during out builds [3]. As you can see, [2] can even
interpolate information from the POM, like ${} or
We have a similar mojo for JBoss Tools, that is reused by some Eclipse projects such as EGit to assign referenced repositories (was associateSites), and we use simple property placeholder ${...} for templates (which is enough for us and more comfortable than Velocity for Java developers).

Another interesting plugin about templating, not related to Tycho, is the gstring-maven-plugin which will make PHP and JSP users nostalgic:
Mickael Istria
Eclipse developer at JBoss, by Red Hat
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