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[cbi-dev] Docker image for CBI Signing Service

Hi Everyone,

I'd like to propose a Docker image for the CBI Signing Service. See my code review at

This Docker image would make it easier for developers to test the PHP code while developing new code for the signing service. This would make it easy for anyone else to setup their own signing service if they want to as well.

You can build and run the image with the following steps:

    cd <path/to/signing-service>/docker
    docker build -t eclipse-signing-service .
    docker run -d -p 31338:80 eclipse-signing-service

(optionally pass -v /path/to/your/code:/var/www/signing-service if you want to use your own version of the signing service code)

Signing code for the CBI Maven Plugins code using your own signing service started above is as easy as running these commands:

    cd signing-service
    mvn clean verify -Dcbi.jarsigner.signerUrl=http://localhost:31338/jarsign.php -Prelease

I did not setup osslsigncode so you cannot use this Dockerfile for signing Windows binaries. Preferably if this gets accepted I'd like to publish the Docker image on Docker Hub so people can pull the image without needing to build it themselves. Since osslsigncode is GPL though I'm not sure if we can distribute it with the image even through DockerHub or does distribution mean Official Eclipse Servers only?

We also cannot sign Mac files since the mac signing code needs to run on a real Mac machine.



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