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Re: [camf-dev] Plugin is not working

Hi Danilo, 

I will answer inline below :)

> On 16 Feb 2016, at 00:05, Danilo Cianciulli <cianciullidanilo@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Nicholas,
> thank you very much for your helpfulness.
> I understand that my previous email could be a bit confusing, so let's
> try to deal with one problem at time.


> As starting point, I would be happy to deploy a single-node
> application, therefore there would be, as an instance, an EAR file
> that has to be deployed on an application server such as JBoss, which
> is running on a VM.

Ok that would be easy. I assume you have a cooked VM image in your OpenStack cluster with JBoss installed?
If yes, then the EAR file can be added as a Software artifact - hence drag and drop it to your new VM blueprint
and it will be transferred when the VM deploys.

> Before I could get started, I'm dealing with unresolved compilation
> issues, essentially within the infosystem.model.edit and tosca
> modules.
> The most important one is that concerning the former, as it is looking
> for MONITORING_PROBE__URL field that cannot be found in the
> infosystem.model module. Therefore, I was wondering if the
> infosystem.model.edit module is vital, since it has been removed from
> the submodules list under the parent pom as part of the last commit.

The *.infosystem.model.edit plugin is not essential to the build. Actually is not used currently. I will check the 
our latest revision and remove it from the repository if that is the case.

> Moreover, its code is out of step with the content of infosystem.ecore
> file under infosystem.model.

Same as above :)

> With respect to the latter (tosca module), the problem is concerning
> the lack of the file TOSCA-v1.0.xsd, but I believe that it's not
> essential.

This is not a problem and will not affect your runtime!! FYI, we cannot add the TOSCA xsd to our repo due to 3rd party license issues.

> Another problem that prevents me from running a clean CAMF plugin
> instance is the one whose stack trace has been posted here
> This exception pops out as soon as I
> open the CAMF perspective, and I believe it may be related to the fact
> I can't access to already created cloud projects from the "Cloud
> Project View" even if they are visible from the "Project Explorer"
> view.

To get things clear here: 
	- Are you able to define correctly the Cloud provider preferences from the Preferences menu?
	- Can you create a Cloud project? I am asking this because you said “ …  can't access to already created cloud projects … "
		- If YES: when does the project content disappears? After Eclipse restarts?
			- From which perspective can you create a Cloud project?
		- If NO: the above exception is thrown when trying to create a project?

> Best regards.
> Danilo Cianciulli


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