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Re: [camf-dev] New Contribution‏

Hello Nicholas,

Thanks for your answer.
I read the articles you mention and i have to say that they are pretty straightforward for the whole procedure.
Also, i have downloaded the latest available version from the Gerrit repository and i am making my additions there.
About the third party libraries. I was using, org.json.simple to create JSON data but i managed to intergrate my implementation with the built-in org.json library. So, for now on i don't think any additional library is required.
Finally, i have added the proper Javadoc on each of my functions to help future developers that want to contribute on the code.


Date: Mon, 4 May 2015 14:05:28 +0300
From: loulloudes.n@xxxxxxxxxxxx
To: camf-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [camf-dev] New Contribution‏

Hi Andreas,

Nice to meet you and thanks for reaching out to the camf-dev list regarding your contribution!  This are great news and we could start the process of adding your plugins to the project repository. However, there are some items necessary to consider / act-on prior we reach that point in time. 

  1. First the necessary process of contributing to an Eclipse project is presented here [1]. I suggest you familiarize yourself with it and post any questions / ambiguities you might have here in the devs mail list.
  2. Also familiarize yourselve on how to contribute your code to the project via Git [2]. Note that CAMF uses Gerrit for online code
    reviews, so you will need to pay attention to the particular section in the above link that describes contribution workflow for Gerrit. Again, if you need any help for configuring EGit don't hesitate to contact the list.
  3. Make sure you download to your workspace the latest code available in the Git HEAD. Then integrate your contribution with this version. This is important for you to check whether everything works as expected. For the project committers, it will allow us to review your contribution and test its functionality much easier.
  4. Let us know whether for your contribution you require any third party libraries, source code or artifacts? If this is the case we will establish an additional discussion in the list on how to handle this 3rd-party components in the project (IP due diligence, when/where to host the libs, the real necessity, etc) .
  5. Add sufficient documentation to your code so the reviewers understand its functionality, and also future users/developers are able to maintain and extend it accordingly.


On 04/30/2015 09:08 PM, Andreas Kastanas wrote:
Hello to CAMF devs,

My name is Andreas Kastanas. I have subscripted to CAMF repository and i have signed the CLA as part of the Eclipse Foundation Contribution programm. I have made some changes that i would like to contribute to the existing code and operations of the CAMF platform as part of my BS.c. Thesis. In specific, i made an Openstack Connector using the jClouds API that is able to fetch all available resources that exists on the provider such as Virtual Images, Networks, Flavors, running instances etc. Also, it has the ability to create a deployment through a TOSCA description (no matter the number of the components or their depth) and also terminate it. It supports, deployments policies in case of an error during the deployment. Such as in case of an error continue, or stop, or stop and revert any actions that were made. Also, it has the ability to create a JSON file that includes information about the deployment that can be used in a later stage for the CAMF platform itself or from the user himself.
That's the short version of what i have done so far. Waiting to here back from you guys!

Andreas Kastanas

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