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[camf-dev] Contributing to CAMF through Gerrit

Hi all,

We opted to introduce Gerrit [1] in the development process right from the start so as to familiarize ourselves with code review practices.
This means that every commit, (including the ones from committers) will be up for review prior to being pushed into the main repository.
I know that this might be somewhat cumbersome at the beginning, but I am sure that the overall project outcome will benefit in the end.

For now, the following will assist you in setting up your Eclipse workspace for Gerrit. However, I urge you to take some time and go over
the related material available at the Eclipse wiki [2, 3]. Lars Vogel has also written a good tutorial on Gerrit and Eclipse [4].

  • Eclipse Gerrit Setup
  • Setting up Eclipse
    • Start Eclipse and switch over to your CAMF workspace (preferably a clean one)
    • Configure EGit Settings
      • Preferences->Team->Git->Committing
        • Enable "Insert Signed-off-by"
      • Preferences->Team->Git->Configuration
    • Configure SSH access
      • Preferences->General->Network->SSH2
        • Make sure that your SSH2 Home value points to where your private key is located (the one matching the public key added to Gerrit Web UI above)
        • Make sure that the 'publickey' preferred method (Authentication Method tab) has the top priority - move up/down accordingly.
  • Setting up EGit for Gerrit
    • CAMF Gerrit repository: ssh://<your_username>
    • Follow the steps here:
    • After cloning the repo, make sure that the Remotes/origin points to the above repo
    • Also make sure that the origin destination (Right click->Gerrit configuration) is: "refs/for/master"
  • Import plugins to your workspace

As always, please use the camf-dev mailing list for any further inquiries. Feel free to add anything that I might have missed.




Nicholas Loulloudes | Eclipse Cloud Application Management Framework
Laboratory for Internet Computing,
Department of Computer Science, University of Cyprus.

Email: loulloudes.n [at]
Twitter: @loulloudes

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