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Re: [buckminster-dev] Running Buckminster via java -jar fails to import with JDK 1.5

Andreas Pakulat wrote on Fri, 14 May 2010 12:45
Thanks for the response, Johannes Utzig wrote on Fri, 14 May 2010 11:30 > Can you try running the buckminster script and > point it to the exact same JDK as in your build? i.e.
> buckminster -vm /home/andreas/.hudson/tools/1.5_JDK/bin/java ...
> Just to narrow it down if it's an issue with the java version or > something else.

So to conclude: I can only reproduce the problem when running the build from inside hudson. I'll compare the environements between hudson and my terminal on monday to check if there's any difference there.

I've tried to replicate the exact environment in a terminal session, but the import with 1.5 JDK and buckminster 3.6 still works. I've also tried the installation of buckminster
the same way that hudson does it with no luck.

The only thing I could not replicate in the terminal is an envvar that shows up in the hudson log as "PATH+JDK=<jdk>/bin". Does anybody have an idea how I can further debug that?

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