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Re: [buckminster-dev] eclemma version

That's IP related. I though "Better safe than sorry," so I restricted the 
version to the one that has been approved. Given that there's only been one 
fix in 1.4.3 [1] I'm not sure if we should push for a new CQ. Let's not 
waste the precious IP resources at the foundation and wait until there's 

a) significant benefit in upgrading to a new version
b) a serious bugfix that we need to pass on to our users.



Thomas Hallgren wrote:

> Our org.eclipse.buckminster.emma bundle has dependency constraint on
> eclemma.core that prevents it from using the latest 1.4.3. Is that
> deliberate (IP related) or is it for other reasons?
> If it's IP related, is it time for a new CQ?
> Regards,
> Thomas Hallgren

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