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Re: [buckminster-dev] product-based buckminster builds

This is covered in the Buckminster Book (download the PDF from buckminster's download page).

Don't know how much you know already, so I am starting from the beginning...

Basically, buckminster understands .product files and adds actions to the CSPEC it generates for a feature without any authoring. (You can see this in the UI if you have Buckminster installed - simply look at the Buckminster actions available for a feature with .product files in it).

There is a bit more setup around this - you probably want to define a target platform - assemble it automatically, and then build your product against this target platform. At the end you probably want a ready to run zip file. Some authoring is required to add the actions to produce the final zip file. This is covered in the demo/tutorial we gave at ESE - there is a sample available - and basically you could copy/paste the solution and only modify the specifics.

If you are happy with the built product being generated to a p2 repository it is even easier. This is shown as a step in the demo/sample. (Basically, a feature is created that represents the content you want to have in a p2 site, some build properties are set (if you are not happy with the defaults), and you invoke the automatically generated site.p2 action to produce the site.

I hope that helps.

- henrik

On 12/2/09 12:24 AM, Scott Lewis wrote:

Is there documentation on how to configure buckminster to build from an
Eclipse product file? If there is documentation, pointers would be most


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