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Re: [buckminster-dev] Some improvements/ideas for buckminster

Great comments from Johannes - lots of good ideas.
And it was fun to get together at ESE.

Some comments inline.
- henrik

On 10/31/09 3:50 PM, Johannes Utzig wrote:
Hi Thomas,

comments inline.

Thomas Hallgren schrieb:

You can already right-click and do 'Buckminster' -> 'View CSpec...' in
your package explorer but perhaps I misunderstand what you mean?

Yes, I can do that for my projects, I cannot do it however for things in
my target platform or let's say maven artifacts that I resolved. All
things that are not projects in my workspace are currently only
reachable with the component explorer. An Open CSpec Dialog that works
like JDTs Open Type Dialog would be handy to open any component's cspec
from anywhere.

You can open the Buckminster Explorer View, and there you get ALL components. You can open CPEC's in the TP or WS.

One idea could be to leave the graph intact but highlight the
components that match the filter(s) that are currently in effect.

That's a very good idea. I'll try that.

I like that too - apply a rule for some search condition - like "location" - and color/mark them. However, this is all depends on the use case - why are someone searching for something - and how should that be visualized - for instance, would you want components that come from the same place to be grouped spatially.

- henrik

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