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Re: [buckminster-dev] help with CVS

Hi Todd,

Todd_Lee@xxxxxxxx wrote:
Oh, and so as not to create any wild goose chases, I did find docs last night that confirmed that eclipse cvs should be fine with cvs going all the way back to 1.11.1, so I'm assuming our 1.11.3 shouldn't be a problem.

It should not. And if Eclipse can do things like check-out, then Buckminster should be fine too. Our CVS support is just a thin layer on top of everything that is included in the Eclipse CVS team provider.

If you have any other suggestions, please feel free to fire them off.

The only thing I can think of at this point is to make really sure that the repositories (the one I published) and yours are structured the same way.

One question - is there any way to get more debug info out of the resolution stage? I have all three log settings in the prefs set to full DEBUG and there's still not a whole lot of information in the console or the .metadata/.log file.

It would probably be helpful if the debug statements actually printed out checks for the files inside the cvs path that buckminster uses to poll for metadata for a given component type. Could give us a better idea of where it's failing?

Right. Cases like this really highlights the need for more extensive logging. I'll see what I can do about that. You're my only eyes into what's happening here so it seems fair that I help you see some more relevant info :-)

Thomas Hallgren

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