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Re: [buckminster-dev] some questions on Buckminster

Hi Thomas,

- the build error on Buckminster due to I haven't install RCP delta-pack, I will try it soon - from the "hello xml world" demo, I see some properties from build.xml in project org.demo.worlds:

<project name="org.demo.worlds">
    <target name="java.binary.archives">
    	<dirname property="output.dir" file="${sp:output}"/>
    	<buckminster.valuefileset id="input.fileset" value="${fs:input}"/>
    	<mkdir dir="${output.dir}"/>
    	<jar destfile="${sp:output}">
    		<fileset refid="input.fileset"/>

Is there any wikis on the meaning of ${sp:output} or ${fs:input}, I can guess what they do in building process, but I think it should have some documents on them.


Thomas Hallgren wrote:
Hi Alex,

Yes, I'm familiar with how to do materialization inside Eclipse IDE, but when I try to use headless distribution of Buckminster to build some GUI stuff, I met some errors, so is there some wiki pages on how to setup a target platform for headless?

A target platform is just an Eclipse runtime configured to meet your needs. Once you've set it up, you need to tell Buckminster to use that platform in subsequent builds using a setpref command. The result of the setpref is persistent and stored in your workspace (it's analog to setting the target platform in the IDE).

> buckminster -data <your workspace> setpref "targetPlatformPath=<path to your target platform>"

The quotes are needed on some windows command shells since they tend to split arguments on '='.

If you want to know the full set of preferences that can be set this way, you can use the 'lsprefs' command. The set may vary depending on how Buckminster is configured.

You can create your target platform in several ways:

1. download a distribution, unzip it, download add-ons, and unzip them on top. No magic involved. 2. configure a "virtual distro", i.e. use an RMAP to appoint the distributions. Have a CSPEC somewhere that describes the platform. Use Buckminster to do the materialization and unpacking. 3. let Buckminster self-configure through a series of install commands where each command installs a needed feature from an Eclipse Update Site. Then use the result as both the tool for building and as the target platform.

A wiki page that explains how to create a headless configuration and also how to run a build in headless mode can be found here:

We are using Buckminster from ant. When doing so, it's convenient to declare a macro such as:

   <macrodef name="buckminster">
       <attribute name="command" default="--scriptfile"/>
       <element name="globargs" optional="true"/>
       <element name="args" optional="true"/>
<!-- <jvmarg value="-agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,address=8000,server=y,suspend=y"/> -->
               <arg value="@{command}"/>

Buckminster can then be called like this:

       <buckminster command="resolve">
               <arg value="-data"/>
               <arg value="${workspace}"/>
               <arg value="--bomfile"/>
               <arg value="${workspace}/"/>
               <arg value="--noimport"/>
               <arg value="${cquery.url}"/>

BTW: I got some errors when I tried to materialization Buckminster, which follow the step you mentioned
These are the errors you get if you miss out on the "and the RCP delta-pack" part of step #1. Are you sure you installed that?

Found searchPath default for component org.apache.commons.codec
Reading remote file svn:// ERROR [0003] : No suitable provider for component org.eclipse.core.filesystem.solaris.sparc:osgi.bundle was found in searchPath default ERROR [0003] : Provider eclipse.import( No match found for component org.eclipse.core.filesystem.solaris.sparc ERROR [0003] : Provider maven2( does not provide components of type osgi.bundle Found searchPath org.eclipse.buckminster for component org.eclipse.buckminster.jdt Listing remote folder svn:// Provider eclipse.import( Found a match for component org.apache.commons.codec, 1.3.0.v200706111738 Reading remote file svn://

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