I found one more problem in succesive resolution
Let's say that we have 2 resolvers/rmaps for
resolution of our well known component buckminster.test.simple_d.
RMAP1 is able to resolve the component
RMAP2 is able to resolve components
buckminster.test.simple_a, buckminster.test.simple_b and
The first resolution on RMAP1 doesn't resolve
anything (there is no search path for simple_d)
The second resolution on RMAP2 resolves simple_d,
its dependencies, then simple_a and simple_b, but simple_c remains unresolved
since there is no search path for simple_c
The third resolution on RMAP1 again should resolve
the last remaining component, i.e. simple_c - it has the desired search
path this time
Using the latest BM, the third resolution does
nothing and the BOM remains unresolved.
Quick fix: Comment out lines #272 and #273 in
ResolverNode.java. This condition returns false when checking the top node
simple_d, but it should not - the component simple_d misses resolution of the
component simple_c.
// return false;
boolean didSchedule = false;
I suppose that the top node should not be marked as resolved if
any of its component remains unresolved. The above mentioned quick fix just
illustrates the situation.
Filip Hrbek