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RE: [bpel-dev] Accessing BPELWriter from BPELExtensionSerializer

Done - reviewed and committed. I made a small change to ensure compatible
behavior - but this shouldnt affect you. If it does, pls. let me know.
|Mit freundlichen |                                 |                                |             ||
|Grüßen / Kind    |                                 |                                |             ||
|regards          |                                 |                                |             ||
  |                                                                                                                             |
|                 |                                 |                                |             ||
  |                                                                                                                             |
|Simon Daniel     |                                 |                                |             ||
|Moser            |                                 |                                |             ||
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|Phone:           |+49-7031-16-4304                 | IBM Deutschland                |    (Embedded||
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|Fax:             |+49-7031-16-4890                 | Schoenaicher Str. 220          |             ||
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|E-Mail:          |smoser@xxxxxxxxxx                | 71032 Boeblingen               |             ||
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|                 |                                 | Germany                        |             ||
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|IBM Deutschland  |                                 |                                |             ||
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|Stuttgart, HRB   |                                 |                                |             ||
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  |(Embedded image moved to file: pic08524.gif)                                                                                 |

  From:       "Hanyu Xiao" <hxiao@xxxxxxxxx>                           
  To:         "BPEL Designer project developer discussions." <bpel-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  Date:       17.07.2008 20:33                                         
  Subject:    RE: [bpel-dev] Accessing BPELWriter from BPELExtensionSerializer

Hi Simon,

Sorry it took this long, but we finally made the patch (see the attached
file) for your review. With this patch, an extension activity can become a
structured activity (like Scope or Flow) that contains other activities.
Also, the same applies for an extension element such as OnAlarm or
OnMessage as used by the Pick activity.

Please let us know if you have any questions.

Hanyu Xiao
Tibco Software Inc.
3303 Hillview Ave.
Palo Alto, CA 94304

-----Original Message-----
From: bpel-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:bpel-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On
Behalf Of Simon D Moser
Sent: Wednesday, June 11, 2008 7:55 AM
To: BPEL Designer project developer discussions.
Subject: RE: [bpel-dev] Accessing BPELWriter from BPELExtensionSerializer

Hi Hanyu,

you checkout all the BPEL Designer plugins from CVS, fix what you want in
your local workspace. After you have done that, you select the plugins that
are marked dirty, right click and select "Team->Create Patch". Walk the
wizard and then send us the file it produces so we can review and possibly
integrate it.


Simon Moser, M.Eng.

 Websphere Integration       Mail:           IBM Deutschland Entwicklung
 Developer Development       smoser@xxxxxx.  GmbH
 Team Lead BPEL Editor       com             Vorsitzender des
 Dept. 4722, Bldg.           Phone:          Aufsichtsrats: Martin Jetter
 71032-01, Room 086          +49-7031-16-43  Geschäftsführung: Herbert
 Websphere Solutions and     04              Kircher
 Services                    Fax:            Sitz der Gesellschaft:
 IBM Deutschland             +49-7031-16-48  Böblingen
 Entwicklung GmbH            90              Registergericht: Amtsgericht
 Schönaicherstr. 220, D -                    Stuttgart, HRB 243294
 71032 Boeblingen

  From:       "Hanyu Xiao" <hxiao@xxxxxxxxx>

  To:         "BPEL Designer project developer discussions."

  Date:       11.06.2008 16:37

  Subject:    RE: [bpel-dev] Accessing BPELWriter from

Hi Simon,

Sorry for the dumb question, but how do I produce a patch?


-----Original Message-----
From: bpel-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:bpel-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On
Behalf Of Simon D Moser
Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2008 12:48 AM
To: BPEL Designer project developer discussions.
Subject: Re: [bpel-dev] Accessing BPELWriter from BPELExtensionSerializer

Hey Hanyu,

sounds reasonable - can I ask you to provide a patch for this ?
Thank you!


Simon Moser, M.Eng.

 Websphere Integration       Mail:           IBM Deutschland Entwicklung
 Developer Development       smoser@xxxxxx.  GmbH
 Team Lead BPEL Editor       com             Vorsitzender des
 Dept. 4722, Bldg.           Phone:          Aufsichtsrats: Martin Jetter
 71032-01, Room 086          +49-7031-16-43  Geschäftsführung: Herbert
 Websphere Solutions and     04              Kircher
 Services                    Fax:            Sitz der Gesellschaft:
 IBM Deutschland             +49-7031-16-48  Böblingen
 Entwicklung GmbH            90              Registergericht: Amtsgericht
 Schönaicherstr. 220, D -                    Stuttgart, HRB 243294
 71032 Boeblingen

  From:       "Hanyu Xiao" <hxiao@xxxxxxxxx>

  To:         "BPEL Designer project developer discussions."

  Cc:         Steve Goldberg <goldberg@xxxxxxxxx>

  Date:       06.06.2008 11:10

  Subject:    [bpel-dev] Accessing BPELWriter from BPELExtensionSerializer


We are trying to figure out a way to call BPELWriter from
BPELExtensionSerializer (and BPELReader from BPELExtensionDeserializer).
Unlike BPELActivitySerializer, whose marshall() method is passed the
BPELWriter instance in the last parameter, BPELExtensionSerializer's
marshall() method is passed the BPELExtensionRegistry instance instead.

Could we suggest that the BPELWriter be added as a parameter to
BPELExtensionSerializer.marshall()? We need this because we are embedding a
BPEL activity inside an extension element.

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