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[bpel-dev] Feedbacks

Dear Eclipse BPEL plugin developers,

the Orchestra open-source BPEL engine team is actually 
looking deeply into your work and we have some feedbacks and questions.

First of all, two bugs have been found on the M3 version:

	-  “correlations” statement 
		properties defined inside the imported WSDL are not taken into account;

		(NOTA: I don't have the rights to submit a new bug yet...)

	- “if” (the condition is inserted after the if branch) statements; 
		(Note that this bug is already registered as bug n°214078 since 2008-01-02). 
Those two bugs are of a big concern to us. Also, a FaultHandler feature is missing at Process level in the BPEL Eclipse plugin.

We've seen on the web site some references to M4, M5 and M6 versions on the Roadmap but we don't know if they have been released. 

So, here are few questions:
	1. Do you know if those bugs have been corrected in the svn trunk?
	2. What is the current roadmap?
	3. Can we access to the svn trunk?
	4. We are ready to help. Can we discuss on the "how"? 

Best regards.
Pierre Vignéras
Bull, Architect of an Open World TM
*BPM Team*, Bull R&D
1, rue de Provence
38130 Echirolles (France)
Direct Line: +33-4-76-29-74-06

*Orchestra*, The BPEL open source project:
*Bonita*, The XPDL open source project:

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