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Re: [bpel-dev] question about BPEL object model API


of course there is - this is what EMF is about. Once you load the process
model, you get a process object. On that you can say
process.getPartnerLinks() to get all Partner Links.
With the BPELFactory you can create a new PartnerLink object (p1) that you
then can use in such a way:


It is as easy as that for all elements in the BPEL model. I suggest that
you read up on EMF and take a close look at the BPEL model.
As far as GMF is concerned: By the time the BPEL Designer was started, GMF
didn't even exists, nor were there rumours about it. Also, I am not sure
whether GMF would give us the flexibility we need in some areas ...


Simon Moser, M.Eng.

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             sam wang                                                      
             >                                                          To 
             Sent by:                  bpel-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx                
             bpel-dev-bounces@                                          cc 
                                       [bpel-dev] question about BPEL      
             15.11.2007 20:08          object model API                    
             Please respond to                                             
              "BPEL Designer                                               
             project developer                                             

Thanks the replies from Simon and Michael!

I have reported the bug about jar file's directory, and I feel sorry that
the current Eclipse BPEL
didn't use GMF technology.

Another question, is there BPEL object model API that I can use to
manipulate BPEL
programmatically instead of through BPEL designer? I know there is a model
load method, but I need
more, for example, adding a new parterlink, assign value, etc.



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