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Re: [bpel-dev] SourceTab - FaultHandler issue

Dennis Ushakov wrote:

FaultHandler is used both in Invoke and Process, but in Invoke it's a
"transparent" FaultHandler - it has no corresponding DOM element and
it's used only because it can hold Catch and CatchAll for it's parent.
And this behavior results in problem with syncing.
I think I get it .... FaultHandler (which should really by FaultHandlers) own their own DOM object in the Prrocess (because there is a faultHandlers element) but not in the invoke because there is not such thing there.

I think we need to come up with a concept of a DOM element to which a facade points to but which it does not own - a reference.

Either that or we re-write the model to return getCatches() and getCatchAll() from the invoke as opposed to getting FaultHandlers.

When we're using FaultHandler for Process we simply give it
corresponding DOM element and everything works ok. But if we use
FaultHandler for Invoke we can't give it DOM element from Invoke,
because otherwise when deleting FaultHandler it's Invoke is also
deleted. And if we don't give FaultHandler DOM element then
findModelObjectForElement cannot find EMF elements for FaultHandler
children (Catches and CatchAll) when syncing from DOM to EMF and sync
works only in one direction - EMF -> DOM.

I'm pretty stuck at this point so any help would be appreciated

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Michal Chmielewski, CMTS, Oracle Corp, W:650-506-5952 / M:408-209-9321 "Manuals ?! What manuals ? Son, it's Unix, you just gotta know."

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