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RE: [bpel-dev] BPEL invocation



The idea behind Web services is interoperability through standardization. Therefore, heterogeneity of backend implementations (Fortran, C#, C++, Java, it’s all fine) doesn’t matter as long as you can wrap them in a nice WSDL interface.

There are also certain rules that you can follow to ensure interoperability of your services. For example, document interaction style with literal encoding *can* make for easier integration than RPC interaction style. The relevant WS-* spec for this is WS-Interoperability.


I don’t know whether any BPEL process is interoperable with every possible WS, but the idea is that all the heterogeneity of programming languages and different middleware solutions in your n-tier systems (used in your backend implementations) is overcome by the fact that all components, to BPEL, are Web services expressed in WSDL, messaging is standardized via SOAP, the data type system is defined in XML Schema defs, middleware services are standardized by the various WS-* specs, etc. …




-- Bruno


P.S.: This question is probably better suited for the newsgroup…





From: bpel-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:bpel-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Babuskeitson Keitson
Sent: 07 February 2007 19:02
To: bpel-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [bpel-dev] BPEL invocation


Hello everyone!
I'm new in BPEL, but I have worked a little with Web services.

Well, my question is, in a Web Service invocation, I need to first create the proxy/stubs for the service (by accessing the WSDL URL, using a tool like WSDL2Java for example).

But, how it's done in BPEL? The BPEL Engine creates this proxies/stubs automatically? It's possible to invoke any service in the workflow, for example, my workflow has a service in C# (.NET), another one in Java (Websphere) and another one in C++ (GSoap). Is the BPEL invocation interoperable with *ANY* web service/SOAP framework?

Thanks in advance for any help,




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