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Re: [bpel-dev] On-the-fly validation?

In Eclipse, validation is typically performed based on analysis of the deltas resulting from the build cycle, which is triggered by "Save" in an editor.  By analysing the deltas, one can in theory avoid revalidating *everything*, and instead just the part that was changed.

Some clever editors will attempt a sort of on-they-fly local validation as you work within the editor (prior to Save).  I believe that typically this is separate in implementation from the validation framework triggered by builds.  There is no plan to do on-the-fly validation in the 1.0 release.  However, its worth discussing to what degree the two can be integrated.


Bruno Wassermann <B.Wassermann@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent by: bpel-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx

02/28/2006 09:52 AM

Please respond to
"B.Wassermann" and "BPEL Designer project developer discussions."

"'BPEL Designer project developer discussions.'" <bpel-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
[bpel-dev] On-the-fly validation?


Wrt to the editor's validation framework, is it going to provide on-the-fly
validation of BPEL processes as a user models them or only upon a specific
user action (i.e. clicking the validate process button)?


-- Bruno

Bruno Wassermann
Research Fellow                Tel: +44 (0)20 7679 3699 (Direct Dial)

University College London      Fax: +44 (0)20 7387 1397
Dept. of Computer Science      Email: B.Wassermann@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Gower Street                               
London WC1E 6BT
United Kingdom

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