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  • [birt-dev] CheckIn: Fix Bugzilla Bug 166443--Can not preview the multi master pages in PDF[05], Gang Liu
  • [birt-dev] Checkin: updated test cases in Model oda adapter, Rick Lu
  • [birt-dev] CheckIn:Fix bugzilla bug 168156[Smoke]Can't create a sample data source[0702], Mingxia Wu
  • [birt-dev] CheckIN:Tag 2 Dte's test plugins as v20061215, Xudong Ma
  • [birt-dev] Checkin: fix bug 168006:Predefined style name are different in style builder and Layout context menu.[0300], Xiong Zhang
  • [birt-dev] CheckIn bugzilla 167527, 167528: Enhancement script, remove highlightrule in group, let ICell, IGroup, IRow implements IDesignElement., Xingjie He
  • [birt-dev] CheckIn bugzilla 167804:Dataset user-defined parameter is changed when change query text on branch 2.1.2, Xingjie He
  • [birt-dev] Checkin: fix bug 160421:Double width selection display when click the master item in palette, Xiong Zhang
  • [birt-dev] Patch review request for Bugzilla Bug 168018, Yip Ng
  • [birt-dev] Questions about contributing to BIRT, Susan L. Cline
  • [birt-dev] CheckIN:Tag Dte's plugins as I20061215, Mingxia Wu
  • [birt-dev] Checkin: Removed ODA "hidden" property from ODA public properties., Rick Lu
  • [birt-dev] CheckIn:Mark the versions for all Model plugins., Xuelan Li
  • [birt-dev] Checkin: Fixed possible NPE in HighlightRule.getProperty(), Rick Lu
  • [birt-dev] Checkin: fix bugs 167795 The backward compability issue on dataset's properties, Rick Lu
  • [birt-dev] Checkin: Fix Bugzilla Bug 160954Legend area disappears when tick Show Value check box for Gantt chart, Yueqian Wang
  • [birt-dev] Checkin bugzilla 166729: [Linux]setImageDirectory() method is no effect., Xingjie He
  • [birt-dev] CheckIn: Tag modified Chart plug-ins as v20061214, Yulin Wang
  • [birt-dev] 2.1.2 Daily build status report(20061214), Xiaoying Gu
  • [birt-dev] Modify test cases under to fix bug#167988, Tao Chen
  • [birt-dev] CheckIn: Bugzilla#152976 - Specify number of steps instead of step size, Yulin Wang
  • [birt-dev] [Reminder] Tagging your plugin and update map files for20061215 integration build, Xiaoying Gu
  • [birt-dev] CheckIn:Fix bugzilla bug 165586 Inconsistent Visibility of ODA XML Data Set Properties, Mingxia Wu
  • [birt-dev] Checkin: fix bug 167685:Can't change styles, Xiong Zhang
  • [birt-dev] Checkin: fix bug 166943:Data type should be default when add a parameter in cascading group[0705], Xiong Zhang
  • [birt-dev] Checkin: Fix Bugzilla Bug 167812 Clear history result of table preview, Yufei Cheng
  • [birt-dev]CheckIn: Fix Engine part of Bugzilla Bug 163013, Yu Liang
  • [birt-dev]CheckIn: Fix Bugzilla Bug 167798 --- don't need to be exported in EngineSDK, Wei Wang
  • [birt-dev]CheckIn: Fix remove some no used fields and class., Wei Zhao (Shang)
  • [birt-dev] Checkin: Fix Bugzilla Bug 167802 Stack trace should print out when pop up error dialog in Web Viewer.[0002], Yufei Cheng
  • [birt-dev] Checkin: fix 2.1.2 branch bugs 167801 [regression]The columns disappear after update the dataset in latest 2.1.2 build[07], Rick Lu
  • [birt-dev] Checkin: fix Bugzilla Bug 167025 Methods popped up in script Editor are wrong for array object.[0801], Yuejie Chen
  • [birt-dev] CheckIn: Fix Bugzilla Bug 166734--Target is opened in the new window even choose the same window when preview in PDF [00], Gang Liu
  • [birt-dev] Checkin:fix Bugzilla Bug 167395 Current version BIRT can't support SVG well., Yuejie Chen
  • [birt-dev] CheckIn:Fix thread-safe problem of birt core data convert api., Xiaofeng Zhang
  • [birt-dev] CheckIn:Fix 167384 -- Errors show up when add a Stored Procedure data set., Xuelan Li
  • [birt-dev] 2.1.2 Daily build status report(20061213), Xiaoying Gu
  • [birt-dev]CheckIn: Fix Bugzilla Bug --- 165051 script tag issue, Wei Yan
  • [birt-dev]CheckIn:Modify test cases to fix bug#167777, Tao Chen
  • [birt-dev] Checkin: Fix Bugzilla Bug 167779 BIRT report jsp tag can't access sample report with document folder setted.[0603], Yufei Cheng
  • [birt-dev] Checkin: Fixed issues in Gantt charts, David Michonneau
  • [birt-dev] CheckIn:Fix thread-safe problem of birt oda xml driver APIs.(2.1.2), Lin Zhu
  • [birt-dev] CheckIn:Fix thread-safe problem of birt.core's date/time transformation APIs.(2.1.2), Lin Zhu
  • [birt-dev] Checkin: Fix Bugzilla bug 167210-No change in 'TOC Item Expression' after select a group row[0001], Hongchang Lin
  • [birt-dev] Checkin: fix bug 167409:Datetime format tip should display for dynamic parameter.[0705], Xiong Zhang
  • [birt-dev] Checkin: Fix Bugzilla bug 167542-A parameter group isn't deleted after moving it to another parameter group through DND, Hongchang Lin
  • [birt-dev] Checkin: Fix Bugzilla bug 167545-Copy a cascading parameter group and paste it to another parameter group causes an exception thrown, Hongchang Lin
  • [birt-dev] Checkin: Refactor code of LegendBuilder, Yueqian Wang
  • [birt-dev] 2.1.2 Daily build status report(20061212), Xiaoying Gu
  • [birt-dev] Re: Streaming rptdesign file instead of File system, liu david
  • [birt-dev]CheckIn: Modify golden files and test cases to fix failed test cases in PDE build, Tao Chen
  • [birt-dev] Fix Bugzilla Bug 166453, 164074--Height property of label has no effect in PDF [0300], Gang Liu
  • [birt-dev] [CheckIn] Fix bugzilla bug #167120, Incorrect icons for BIRT features, Xiaoying Gu
  • [birt-dev] RE: CHECKIN: [161819] EOL support of deprecated, Linda Chan
  • [birt-dev] How to save the report file(include report template) to database?, liu david
  • [birt-dev] Checkin: Fix Bugzilla Bug 167421 In cascading group previous value lost.[0705], Yufei Cheng
  • [birt-dev] checkin bugzilla 167051:Error when run a report contain toc, Xingjie He
  • [birt-dev] CheckIn: Bugzilla#167390 - [Smoke] Exception is thrown out when preview chart [0001], Yulin Wang
  • [birt-dev] Eclipse BIRT PMC Meeting Minutes - Monday, December 11, 2006, Paul Clenahan
  • [birt-dev] CheckIn:Fix a thread-safe problem in flat file driver & XML driver(2.1.2), Lin Zhu
  • [birt-dev] Checkin:Fix Bugzilla Bug 165159 166167, Xudong Ma
  • [birt-dev] Checkin: fix bug 131303 :Thickness of cell borders Difference in design and production, Chao Chen
  • [birt-dev] Checkin: Fix Bugzilla Bug 167386border property definition in custom jsp tags isn't correct.[0603], Yufei Cheng
  • [birt-dev] 2.1.2 Daily build status report(20061211), Xiaoying Gu
  • [birt-dev] Checkin: fix bugs 166930 Suggest changing default value of shrink from 'true' to 'false', Rick Lu
  • [birt-dev] CheckIn: update DTP download url pattern to use RC2 nightly builds, Xiaoying Gu
  • [birt-dev] Checkin: fix Bugzilla Bug 146534 ReportEditorInput is not API any more, Yuejie Chen
  • [birt-dev]Check in: Update the engine smoke test golden files in, Yi Sun
  • [birt-dev] BIRT Reading material, Williams, Joe
  • [birt-dev] Checkin: fix the error: HighlightRuleHandle.getStyle() always return null., Rick Lu
  • [birt-dev] Daily build status report(20061208-2), Xiaoying Gu
  • [birt-dev] 2.1.2 Daily build status report(20061208), Xiaoying Gu
  • [birt-dev] Checkin: BPS 15 (2.15 & 2.16) -- UI refinement for the "Select Type" and "Select Data" tabs, Nina Li
  • [birt-dev]CheckIn: Update the map file "", Wei Wang
  • [birt-dev]CheckIn: Fix NoClassFound Error when running the testcase of, Wei Wang
  • [birt-dev] Checkin: fix bug 133234 :Color set in Property Editor should return to previous value after set wrong values., Chao Chen
  • [birt-dev] CheckIn: Bugzilla#167200 - org.eclipse.birt.chart.reportitem.ui and org.eclipse.birt.chart.ui.extension has compile error in daily build 20061208, Yulin Wang
  • [birt-dev] Daily build status report(20061208), Xiaoying Gu
  • [birt-dev]Check in: Update the test golden file in tests.chart.regression, Yi Sun
  • [Birt-dev]Check in: Update the test golden of tests.chart, Yi Sun
  • [birt-dev]Check in: Correct the method of running smoke test, Yi Sun
  • [birt-dev] Fix bugzilla bug 166008,166009,166295, Lin Zhu
  • [birt-dev] CheckIn:Fix bugzilla bug 166009 The XPath such as /address[@type='business'] doesn't work in column mapping in XML dataset[0701] in 2.1.2 branch., Lin Zhu
  • [birt-dev]CheckIn: Modify smoke_DSConnection_Derby.xml under to fix the open connection problem from derby., Tao Chen
  • [birt-dev]Check in: Change runAndRender_HTML( input , ouput ) to runAndRender_HTMLWithPagination( input , output ) in org.eclipse.birt.tests.core/src/utility/, Yi Sun
  • [birt-dev] CheckIn:Tag the Data plugin for upcoming integration build., Lin Zhu
  • [birt-dev] Checkin: fix bug 166417:NPE when opening attached report design(2.1.2 Branch Only), Xiong Zhang
  • [birt-dev]Check in: Update the test case on, Yi Sun
  • [birt-dev]CheckIn:Modify test cases of DtE under to make it runnable on PDE build., Tao Chen
  • [birt-dev] CheckIn: Mark and update tag versions for all Model plugins., Xuelan Li

  • Mail converted by MHonArc

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