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  • RE: [birt-dev] checkin: Fix Bugzilla bug 193886 NPE is thrown when preview external CSS style in ppt[1205], (continued)
  • [birt-dev] CheckIn: Fix bugzilla bug 193853. Three issues when using the aggregation when preview., Jianchao Li
  • [birt-dev] Checkin: fix bugs 192803 Border style won't refresh in Layout for predefined crosstab style.[1102], Rick Lu
  • [birt-dev] checkin: Tag latest modifications in GUI and xTab plug-ins as v20070622 and update the map file, Hongchang Lin
  • [birt-dev] checkin: Fix Bugzilla bug193828-message should not be popped when adding group level to cross tab-HEAD and 2.2 branch, Hongchang Lin
  • [birt-dev] CheckIn:Fix bugzilla bug 193656Parameterized SQL-Queries do not work in designer for ORACLE-Databases, Mingxia Wu
  • [birt-dev] CheckIn bugzilla 193285:Add CSS file has issue when delete the css file in library explorer; CheckIn tracker #94409:iPortal: some parameter cannot pass to next parameter in a cascading parameter, Xingjie He
  • [birt-dev] Checkin Request:Bugzilla Bug 193707.[Regression ]Dynamically change label of a chart doesn't work anymore, Yueqian Wang
  • [birt-dev] BIRT 2.2.0 final check-in request for Bugzilla 193861, Yulin Wang
  • [birt-dev] Checkin: Fix Bugzilla Bug 193707.[Regression ]Dynamically change label of a chart doesn't work anymore, Yueqian Wang
  • [birt-dev] Checkin: fix 193837 Cross tab item in palette has wrong name and position, Yuejie Chen
  • [birt-dev] Checkin: Fix bug 193804:Bad grammar and punctuation in Resource preferences page, Xiong Zhang
  • [birt-dev] Checkin: Fix bugzilla bug 192796: In pdf xtab move to next page with a label before it.[1102]., Jun Ouyang
  • [birt-dev] Showstoppers for final 2.2.0, Xiaoying Gu
  • [birt-dev] Checkin: 192827 "Insert" action is not shown for all crosstab cells, Yuejie Chen
  • [birt-dev] checkin: Fix Bugzilla bug193675-Crosstab border doesn't refresh correctly when undo delete predefined style operation-HEAD and 2.2 branch, Hongchang Lin
  • [birt-dev] Checkin: changed "Crosstab Table" literal to "Cross Tab" in crosstab plugins, checked in branch 2.2 and head, Zhiqiang Qian
  • [birt-dev] CheckIn: Fix Bugzilla bug [193844] The About files for the iText plugin need to be revised (Checked into both HEAD and 2.2.0 branch), Xiaoying Gu
  • [birt-dev] checkin: Correct he CS help IDs' binding on xTab grand/sub total dialogs-HEAD and branch 2.2, Hongchang Lin
  • [birt-dev] Please check out stable build <20070621-1707> and response if it can be released as BIRT 2.2.0 RC4 Build, Xiaoying Gu
  • [birt-dev] 2.2 Daily build status report(20070621), Xiaoying Gu
  • [birt-dev] Checkin: Tag chart plugins as v20070621 for RC4 fix, Yulin Wang
  • [birt-dev] Checkin:Fix [Bugzilla] 193651: The subtype icon is wrong when change transposed 2D Tube Chart to 3D, Nina Li
  • [birt-dev]CheckIn: add tag v20070621 on[2.2.0RC4], Wei Wang
  • [birt-dev] Checkin: Bugzilla#193467 - URL hyperlink can't work in chart viewer, Yulin Wang
  • [birt-dev] BIRT RC4 check-in request for Bugzilla 193651, Nina Li
  • [birt-dev] Check In: Bugzilla Bug 193646 Some content of level are missing when preview in PDF[1102], Yu Chen
  • [birt-dev] checkin:Tag designer.editors plugin as v20070621 and update map file, Hongchang Lin
  • [birt-dev] Checkin: Fix bugzilla bug 193468: Deploy on weblogic 9 doesn't work [0601]., Jun Ouyang
  • [birt-dev] checkin: Fix Bugzilla Bug 193266-BIRT become strange after insert a label from outline in library[01]-HEAD and 2.2 branch, Hongchang Lin
  • [birt-dev][checkin-request]Fix Bugzilla Bug 193266-BIRT become strange after insert a label from outline in library[01], Hongchang Lin
  • [birt-dev] CheckIn: Fix Bugzilla bug [193649] Distribute the as a folder, Xiaoying Gu
  • [birt-dev] Checkin: Refactor Chart engine plug-ins, Yulin Wang
  • [birt-dev] Checkin: Fix [Bugzilla] 193288: "Blur" Hyperlink and Invoke Script does not work, Nina Li
  • [birt-dev] CheckIn: fixed the bug 192119 Line break inside label/data is ignored in Excel emitter, ianl
  • [birt-dev] [Update] Remain RC4 showstoppers list, Xiaoying Gu
  • [birt-dev] Checkin: Fix 193159 Remove "Prototype" Designation from View as XLS / Excel, checkin both Branch and Head, ianl
  • [birt-dev] Checkin: Bugzilla#193465 - Series color is incorrect in cone chart [0001], Yulin Wang
  • [birt-dev] Checkin: Updated map file for doc plugins, Jane Tatchell
  • [birt-dev] Checkin: Updated context-sensitive help, Jane Tatchell
  • RE: [birt-dev] Checkin: updated cslinks for Bugzilla ID 192372, Forest White
  • [birt-dev] Checkin:Update map file, Yueqian Wang
  • [birt-dev] Checkin:: Fix Bugzilla Bug 192335.Stack of (Bar and Corn) or (Bar and Pyramid) does not work correctly [0001], Yueqian Wang
  • [birt-dev]CheckIn: add tag on engine's plugin as v20070620, Wei Wang
  • [birt-dev] [Update] 2.2 Daily build status report(20070620-2), Xiaoying Gu
  • [birt-dev] Recall: 2.2 Daily build status report(20070621-2), Xiaoying Gu
  • [birt-dev] 2.2 Daily build status report(20070621-2), Xiaoying Gu
  • [birt-dev] RC4 bug fix request, David Michonneau
  • [birt-dev] Checkin: [Bugzilla] 182168: Fix unit tests, Nina Li
  • [birt-dev] Checkin: Fix [Bugzilla] 193060: The "Open" button is enabled when focus is on the category in chart example view, Nina Li
  • [birt-dev] CheckIn:Fix 192605 partially -- update member value list in filter and sort when delete a level view., Xuelan Li
  • [birt-dev] checkin: Tag latest modifications on GUI and xTab plug-ins as v20070620 and update map files, Hongchang Lin
  • [birt-dev] Checkin: fix bug 193452 :[Smoke]Preview failed when a crosstab include datetype dimension[1102], Chao Chen
  • [birt-dev] Checkin: fix Bugzilla Bug 193446 [smoke][LinuxAS4]Fail to new report in Linux AS4, Yuejie Chen
  • [birt-dev] 2.2 Daily build status report(20070620), Xiaoying Gu
  • [birt-dev]CheckIn: Fix the bugzilla bug 193379 : Table is not centered in report when viewing in Firefox 2.0, Yu Liang
  • [birt-dev] Checkin: fix bug 191139:Cube BuilderGroups and Summaries Add button is disabled, Chao Chen
  • [birt-dev] Checkin: fix 193435 Datatime prompt message in Parameter Dialog not translate, Yuejie Chen
  • [birt-dev] Checkin: Tag viewer plugin as V20070620, Yufei Cheng
  • [birt-dev] Checkin: Fix Bugzilla Bug 193231 RCP designer does not display Preview tab and View menu., Yufei Cheng
  • [birt-dev]CheckIn: add tag on plugin org.eclipse.birt.tests as v20070620, Wei Wang
  • [birt-dev]CheckIn: Update the version of test framework[2.2.0Branch&head], Wei Wang
  • [birt-dev] Checkin, fix 180900, 181704, 192792, 193160, 193342, 193378 both head and branch, ianl
  • [birt-dev] Checkin: add logic that initializes report engine service into ServletContextListener, Yufei Cheng
  • [birt-dev] checkin: Fix Bugzilla bug 193080-Lost context help on couples of dialogs in report designer-HEAD and 2.2 branch, Hongchang Lin
  • [birt-dev]CheckIn: Fix Bugzilla Bug 192062 --- Filter in the Aggregation Builder does not work, Wei Zhao (Shang)
  • [birt-dev] CheckIn:Fix bugzilla bug has compile error in daily build 20070621-0630, Mingxia Wu
  • [birt-dev] checkin: Fix Bugzilla bug 193249-Exception is thrown out when open web browser in an old workspace [00], Hongchang Lin
  • [birt-dev] checkin: Fix Bugzilla bug-Extensible ExpressionProvider-HEAD and 2.2 branch, Hongchang Lin
  • [birt-dev] checkin: Fix Bugzilla bug 190957-The cancel button in group level dialog in cube take no effect[1101]-HEAD and 2.2 branch, Hongchang Lin
  • [birt-dev] Checkin: Update programmer-level online help for BIRT platform and charting, Jane Tatchell
  • RE: [birt-dev] Checkin: Updated Cheat Sheets for BIRT, Forest White
  • RE: [birt-dev] Checkin: Versions tagged for BIRT 2.2 online help, context sensitive help, developer help, and cheat sheets, Forest White
  • [birt-dev] Checkin: Partly Fix 192339 All HTML text messed up when view as doc, Check in head and branch, ianl
  • [birt-dev] CheckIn:Fix bugzilla bug 192800&187445, Mingxia Wu
  • [birt-dev] Checkin: Fix bug 191882: No error indication when reload nonexisted css file.[00], Xiong Zhang
  • [birt-dev][checkin-request]Fix Bugzilla Bug 190957-The cancel button in group level dialog in cube take no effect[1101], Hongchang Lin
  • [birt-dev]CheckIn: tag engine's plugin as v20070619 on 2.2.0 branch, Wei Wang
  • [birt-dev] Check in request for 191944, Qiangsheng Wang
  • [birt-dev] Checkin: Bugzilla#192075 - [SVG] There is an extra line in the legend area [0001], Yulin Wang
  • [birt-dev] checkin: Tag some GUI plug-ins as v20070619 and update map file, Hongchang Lin
  • [birt-dev] CheckIn: Fix Bugzilla Bug 192955--Static Crosstab Example Renders Incorrectly in RC3, Gang Liu
  • [birt-dev] Check In: Bugzilla Bug 192791 Lost first row level of xtab after page break in ps and pdf.[1102], Yu Chen
  • [birt-dev]CheckIn: Fix Bugzilla Bug --- Bugzilla Bug 193258 [Regression]Running the report by genReport will pop up the error, Wei Yan
  • [birt-dev] CheckIn:Tag all Model plugins as v20070619 in branch 2.2., Xuelan Li
  • [birt-dev] 2.2 Daily build status report(20070619), Xiaoying Gu
  • [birt-dev] Checkin: update crosstab plugins tag to v20070619 in branch, Zhiqiang Qian
  • [birt-dev] Checkin: backport bug fixing 189842 in branch, Changing the dimension will lead the exception when preview[1102]., Zhiqiang Qian

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