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  • [birt-dev] CHECKIN: Synchronzied localized message files in 2_2_1, Yasuo Doshiro
  • [birt-dev] 2.3 Daily build status report(20071114), Xiaoying Gu
  • [birt-dev] 2.3 Daily build status report(20071113), Xiaoying Gu
  • [birt-dev] [CheckIn]fixed the bug 180857 TOC isn't displayed in word emitter[1202], ianl
  • [birt-dev] Remaining showstoppers list for 2.3M3, Xiaoying Gu
  • [birt-dev] Builds toward BIRT 2.3 M3 started from today, Xiaoying Gu
  • [birt-dev] Fixed the bug 208190 [Regression]A blank column occurs when export report to excel file[1203], ianl
  • [birt-dev] Fw: fixed the bug 204213 Only Export first TOC to doc as document map[1202], ianl
  • [birt-dev] 2.2.2 Daily build status report(20071105), Xiaoying Gu
  • [birt-dev] Please check out stable build <20071101-1610> and response if it can be released as BIRT Release Build, Xiaoying Gu
  • [birt-dev] A reminder that map files need to be updated fortomorrow 2.3 integration build, Xiaoying Gu
  • [birt-dev] API change request: ehance the IReportItemPresentation interface to access DTE interfaces and content object, Wei Yan
  • [birt-dev] Please check out stable build <20071029-0800> and response if it can be released as BIRT Release Build, Xiaoying Gu
  • [birt-dev] A reminder that map files need to be updated for tomorrow 2.3 integration build, Xiaoying Gu
  • [birt-dev] Show TOC automatically when report start, xily xily
  • [birt-dev] CheckIn:Fixed the bug 206735 Fail to retrieve x-series data from chart in excel[1203], ianl
  • [birt-dev] 2.2.2 Daily build status report(20071022), Xiaoying Gu
  • [birt-dev] CheckIn:Fix 206413 Data in attached report is wrong in xls.[1203] to Branch 2.2.1, ianl
  • [birt-dev] A reminder that map files need to be updated for 2.2.2 Stable build, Xiaoying Gu
  • [birt-dev] CheckIn:Fixed the bug 180857 TOC isn't displayed in word emitter[1202], ianl
  • [birt-dev] SVG Problems Caused by Orbit Bug 201376, Christian Damus
  • [birt-dev] CheckIn:Fixed the bug 206283 Fail to display table caption in word and excel., ianl
  • [birt-dev] CheckIn: Fix Bug 204238, ianl
  • [birt-dev] CheckIn: Fix 204215 Background color for xtab doesn't cover the whole area in xls.[1102][1203], ianl
  • [birt-dev] CheckIn: Fix 204213 Only Export first TOC to doc as document map[1202], ianl
  • [birt-dev] CheckIn: Fixed the bug 202028 Text transform style does not take effect in DOC/XLS., ianl
  • [birt-dev] CheckIn:Fixed the bug 205551Some spaces disappear when redering as doc, ianl
  • [birt-dev] CheckIn:Fix 203024 Not all the data binding to the chart are exported when preview as XLS [1203], ianl
  • [birt-dev] CheckIn: fixed the bug 205593 ClassCastException in excel emitter, ianl
  • [birt-dev] [CheckIn] fixed the bug 205782 Excel can't process big data which type is Decimal., ianl
  • [birt-dev] Cross-post: error loading JDBC drivers in BIRT, Matthew Kerle
  • [birt-dev] Re: [] Europa builds - BIRT, Xiaoying Gu
  • [birt-dev] Please check out stable build <20071001-0630> and response if it can be released as BIRT 2.2.1 Release Build, Xiaoying Gu
  • [birt-dev] Please check out stable build <20070927-1514> and response if it can be released as BIRT 2.2.1 Release Build, Xiaoying Gu
  • [birt-dev] SECURITY ISSUE IN XML!, sstrickland
  • [birt-dev] 答复: [cross-project-issues-dev] Europa build failing due to Mylyn andBIRT (and pack200), Xiaoying Gu
  • [birt-dev] RE: [cross-project-issues-dev] RE: []Europa build failing due to Mylyn and BIRT (and pack200), Wenfeng Li
  • [birt-dev] Please check out stable build<20070926-1210>andresponse if it can be released as BIRT 2.2.1 Release Build, Xiaoying Gu
  • [birt-dev] Please check out stable build <20070924-1643>and response if it can be released as BIRT 2.2.1 Relase Build, Xiaoying Gu
  • [birt-dev] 2.2.1 Daily build status report(20070925), Xiaoying Gu
  • [birt-dev] Fix Bugzilla bug [200481] Failures occur in JUnit test of in daily build 20070820, Yi Sun
  • [birt-dev] 2.2.1 Daily build status report(20070830), Xiaoying Gu
  • [birt-dev]CheckIn: Enhance the I/i date time format to support date and time type., Wei Yan
  • [birt-dev] PostScript question, Schalk Neethling
  • [birt-dev] 2.2.1 Daily build status report(20070920), Xiaoying Gu
  • [birt-dev] Birt 2.2 Won't Convert CrossTab Report to Excel, sstrickland
  • [birt-dev] 2.2.1 Daily build status report(20070918), Xiaoying Gu
  • [birt-dev] Please check out stable build <20070914-1302> andresponse if it can be released as BIRT 2.2.1 RC Build, Xiaoying Gu
  • [birt-dev] Assistance With Scripting, Skip Strickland
  • [birt-dev] 2.2.1 Daily build status report(20070914), Xiaoying Gu
  • [birt-dev] [CheckIn]fixed the bug 203204 [Regression] Error occors when preview the attached report design as XLS [1203], ianl
  • [birt-dev] 2.2.1 Daily build status report(20070913), Xiaoying Gu
  • [birt-dev] Fix Bugzilla bug [164697] Correct instructions in readme.txt for BIRT runtime package, Xiaoying Gu
  • [birt-dev] 2.2.1 Daily build status report(20070912), Xiaoying Gu
  • [birt-dev] BIRT Community Tested Operating Environments for 2.2.1, Krishna Venkatraman
  • [birt-dev] 2.2.1 Daily build status report(20070816), Xiaoying Gu
  • [birt-dev] Not able to load Report in PDF Format in Linux : 2nd post, vJ t
  • [birt-dev] Birt integration into existing OSGI server framework, Trip Gilman
  • [birt-dev] 2.2.1 Daily build status report(20070907), Xiaoying Gu
  • [birt-dev] [CheckIn] fixed the bug 201505 Invalid NumberFormat in XLS file, ianl
  • [birt-dev] [CheckIn]fixed the bug 202019 Chart position is not correct when previewed in DOC., ianl
  • [birt-dev] [CheckIn]fixed the bug 201852 BIRT Word Emitter doesn't set page orientation to landscape, ianl
  • [birt-dev] 2.2.1 Daily build status report(20070831), Xiaoying Gu
  • [birt-dev] Birt and RCP, kopinsky
  • [birt-dev] [CheckIn]fixed the bug 201049[regression]Page break will display some appended words in doc., ianl
  • [birt-dev] [CheckIn]Fixed the bug 200802(Warning in log when preview a correct report in xls), ianl
  • [birt-dev] [CheckIn]fixed the bug 201021 Map rule does not take effect on all elements match the condition when preview as XLS [1203], ianl
  • [birt-dev] A reminder for updating map file for 2.2.1 build, Xiaoying Gu
  • [birt-dev] BIRT_2_2_1_Branch was branched and Code Freeze for 2.2.1, Xiaoying Gu
  • [birt-dev] Please hold your check-in of 2.2.1 check-ins for branching, Xiaoying Gu
  • [birt-dev]Check in: Add BIRT model regression test case, Yi Sun
  • [birt-dev] 2.2.1 Daily build status report(20070824), Xiaoying Gu
  • [birt-dev] [Checkin]Fixed the bug 200751 NPE in Excel emitter, ianl
  • [birt-dev] A reminder to update map files for tomorrow'sIntegration Build (20070823-0630), Xiaoying Gu
  • [birt-dev] [Checkin]Fixed the bug 200631([smoke]Fail to preview report in xls), ianl
  • [birt-dev] 2.2.1 Daily build status report(20070822), Xiaoying Gu
  • [birt-dev] AppContext, Schalk Neethling
  • [birt-dev] Fixed the bug 199539 Preview in doc will change MS PMincho font to SimSun, ianl
  • [birt-dev] Fixed the bug 198910 Date type data should be exported as Date type in Excel, ianl
  • [birt-dev] Checkin: Fix Bugzilla bug 199508: Error message pops up when view the third page of the attached design file using postscript [1201]., Jun Ouyang

  • Mail converted by MHonArc

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