Reading id=572631 I suggest the following Option 1 Let’s keep ../birt-website as our root dir for the birt websit I will move my dev env to the directory birt-website/development/… And after building the static web pages in birt-website/development/build/ I will “copy” the /buid/… to birt-web-site. Option 2 Let’s use two repos. One for the website: gh-pages/birt-website And one for the dev env either in a new repo or as part of the birt sources repo. Option 3 I will try to migrate my pages to Hugo and, if this was successful, then we can use the process described by Eclipse. I will try option 3 and give a feedback if I succeeded or gout stuck, because I think that the closer we are to Eclipse’s processes the better it is. OK? Von: birt-dev [mailto:birt-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] Im Auftrag von Wim Jongman Gesendet: Dienstag, 6. April 2021 19:10 An: For developers on the BIRT project Betreff: Re: [birt-dev] Website After re-reading [1] we should drop the gh-pages branch and use the main branch. Publish from main/build The webmasters have a process in place to copy a hugo website to the main site (e.g. That was one of the reasons why we were excited to use hugo. 1. Already done. I pushed my current dev env to gh-pages. The /build is among others updated. 2. Where are the new birt home page going to be hosted? Currently it’s here: Where shall it be for the new pages? Shall the gh-pages replace or shall I push the directories and files of /build to or is another procedure to be respected? I remember that Wayne sent me some info, but I cleaned up my laptop over Easter… Sorry, but I obviously have not understood where the new website will be hosted and how it’s is going to replace the present website and how the exact procedure from gh-pages to productive website repo or env shall work. Concerning wiki respectively editing internet pages, I am working on the following PoC: 
Von: birt-dev [mailto:birt-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] Im Auftrag von Wim Jongman Gesendet: Dienstag, 6. April 2021 15:45 An: For developers on the BIRT project Betreff: Re: [birt-dev] Website I can ask this but then we have another repo to juggle. Maybe we can just keep everything as it is. Regenerate, and then just push the new /build contents. This should only push changed content. Hi Wim, I just wanted to execute 1. Run static website creation 2. Copy /build to a temp directory 3. Switch to gh-pages branch 4. Push /build result into gh-pages branch but as you asked for, I’ve already transfered my website development environment to eclipse/birt-website ( gh-pages branch before you wrote the above mentioned lines. You can find in the sub dir /build the updated website pages. If I now execute 1.-4. this will mix the dev environment with the runtime pages. I don’t think that this is a good solution. Shouldn’t the dev environment and the runtime pages be in separate repos? Best Christophe Von: birt-dev [mailto:birt-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] Im Auftrag von Wim Jongman Gesendet: Sonntag, 4. April 2021 16:48 An: For developers on the BIRT project Betreff: Re: [birt-dev] Website Hi Christophe, @win: Did you try to push the /build to gh-pages? Or shall I try? Von: birt-dev [mailto:birt-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] Im Auftrag von Loetz, Christophe Gesendet: Mittwoch, 31. März 2021 09:23 An: For developers on the BIRT project Betreff: Re: [birt-dev] Website If it works it is fine with me J Von: birt-dev [mailto:birt-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] Im Auftrag von Wim Jongman Gesendet: Mittwoch, 31. März 2021 09:08 An: For developers on the BIRT project Betreff: Re: [birt-dev] Website They do, however it means that we also have to check-in the ./build directory. I don't think this is wanted. I think we can do the following when we pull changes into the website: 1. Run static website creation 2. Copy /build to a temp directory 3. Switch to gh-pages branch 4. Push /build result into gh-pages branch Hi Wim, in addition to the mail below. By adapting the structure of the Eclipse’s website repo to my development environment, Eclipse would need to adapt github to set up ./build as a test website environment. With thanks in advance. Best regards Christophe Von: birt-dev [mailto:birt-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] Im Auftrag von Loetz, Christophe Gesendet: Dienstag, 30. März 2021 18:31 An: For developers on the BIRT project Betreff: Re: [birt-dev] Website Hi Wim ! I pushed my dev env to eclipse/birt-website ( You can find the BIRT website pages in ./build Please check if everything is OK so far. Best Christophe Von: birt-dev [mailto:birt-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] Im Auftrag von Wim Jongman Gesendet: Dienstag, 30. März 2021 10:52 An: For developers on the BIRT project Betreff: Re: [birt-dev] Website Let's do this first. Then from there, we can figure out how to host the website. Maybe I misunderstood: Shall the root dir for the web page dev be: ? Or where exactly is the root dir, you meant for the web page development environment. You can have a look on my repo and see how I organized the web page dev. chloetz (Christophe Loetz) ( Von: birt-dev [mailto:birt-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] Im Auftrag von Wim Jongman Gesendet: Dienstag, 30. März 2021 08:36 An: For developers on the BIRT project Betreff: Re: [birt-dev] Website Sorry, I don't understand :) I think you just put the sources in the root and generate the static content in a "static" directory or something? OK. I will put my sources into the directory you indicated (the name could’t have been shorter :) later on today. Von: birt-dev [mailto:birt-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] Im Auftrag von Wim Jongman Gesendet: Montag, 29. März 2021 23:45 An: For developers on the BIRT project Betreff: Re: [birt-dev] Website Christophe, the webmasters suggest putting all sources in this repository and generate the static content in a directory. Github Pages is able to publish from a directory: Hi Wim ! I do absolutely agree. I already asked the question before starting designing the new logo, but nobody answered. I took this as an OK. From my point of view there are a couple of argument for the new logo: 1. The new logo marks the restart and make clear that everything is moving forward again with renewed vigor. 2. The logo symbolizes BI and reporting. An octagon has nothing to do with neither one. 3. The colors are modern (the pink of the octagon is old fashion) 4. The new logo works in normal and dark mode 5. The red “i” make clear that we are talking about BI (!) and reporting I do also believe that somebody should revise my pages. I did my best regarding updating all info, but I am not an expert. I would also appreciate if a person of English mother tongue would revise my English. Christophe Von: birt-dev [mailto:birt-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] Im Auftrag von Wim Jongman Gesendet: Sonntag, 28. März 2021 12:41 An: For developers on the BIRT project Betreff: Re: [birt-dev] Website About the Logo. Shouldn't we ask the community for input before we decide on a new logo? I suggest opening a separate thread about this topic. If you agree, could you start one? _______________________________________________ birt-dev mailing list birt-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx To unsubscribe from this list, visit
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