Hi Wim !
Thanks for taking care of my questions. Let me add some more:
As far as I can see the official web url for BIRT is: https://www.eclipse.org/birt/
Will the BIRT web-pages from github repo bee moved the beforehand mentioned website?
I am asking because in this case I would have to mend some links…
Questioning Google this morning BIRT’s home page still was https://www.eclipse.org/birt/
Overview Tab
This is BIRT’s project page at Eclipse. https://projects.eclipse.org/projects/technology.birt
The links on this page, due to the new structure of the internet site, must be updated: Getting started, Documentation, Wiki etvc. Can I do this? If yes, how; and if not, who is responsible?

The Logo on this page must be updated with the new Logo (top right)
This page is linked with a page that says the following; This page is not designed to be web-accessible,
This must be updated to official page.
Is BIRT licensed unter EPL 1.0 oder 2.0? What is correct? Depending on the result, this info must be updated.
Who is Involved Tab
Even though I asked several times, my photo is not updated.
Governance Tab
The release 4.9 has a date of 2021-06-16. Is 06 = June correct?
Looking forward to your answers.
Von: birt-dev [mailto:birt-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] Im Auftrag von Wim Jongman
Gesendet: Freitag, 26. März 2021 19:21
An: For developers on the BIRT project
Betreff: Re: [birt-dev] Website
I'm not sure. Let me ask the masters and I will get back.