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[birt-dev] CheckIn: #173245 - Added configurable property support for max row count in charts

- Summary: 

Added configurable property support for max row count in charts

 - Bugzilla Bug (s) Resolved:


 - Description: 
Added configurable property support for max row count in charts. User could set the property in JVM arguments -DCHART_MAX_ROW, otherwise use the default value, 10000.
Only checked into 2.1.3 branch. 

- Code Reviewer: N/A

- Tests Description:  Manual test.


- Notes to Build Team: N/A


- Notes to Developers: N/A


- Notes to QA:  N/A


- Notes to Documentation: 
Added configurable property support for max row count in charts. User could set the property in JVM arguments -DCHART_MAX_ROW, otherwise use the default value, 10000.


- Files Edited:

"/org.eclipse.birt.chart.engine/src/org/eclipse/birt/chart/util/" "/org.eclipse.birt.chart.engine/src/org/eclipse/birt/chart/internal/datafeed/"

- Files Added:


- Files Deleted





From: birt-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:birt-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Yulin Wang
Sent: Friday, February 09, 2007 3:10 PM
To: birt-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [birt-dev] CheckIn: #173245 - Infinite loop progress bar whenopening attached rpt w/ stock chart


- Summary: 

Infinite loop progress bar when opening attached rpt w/ stock chart

 - Bugzilla Bug (s) Resolved:


 - Description: 
Enforce a 10,000 rows limitation for chart data-binding. If exceeding that limit, the chart won't be rendered, and an error will be shown.
Only checked into 2.1.3 branch.


- Code Reviewer: N/A

- Tests Description:  Manual test.


- Notes to Build Team: N/A


- Notes to Developers: N/A


- Notes to QA:  N/A


- Notes to Documentation:  N/A


- Files Edited:

"/org.eclipse.birt.chart.engine/src/org/eclipse/birt/chart/internal/datafeed/" "/org.eclipse.birt.chart.engine/src/org/eclipse/birt/chart/engine/i18n/"

- Files Added:


- Files Deleted




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