Thanks for your response Wenfeng. I do understand that becoming a committer on an Eclipse project is based on meritocracy and I have read the page you cited below. However, this was not my question.
I was not implying that non-committers should be allowed to vote on a release, I was simply trying to understand how the process works.
Since the original message stated that the release was ready to be 'voted' on, and I saw no votes I was curious how it became available for release.
Some open source projects have guidelines about what types of actions the PMC votes on, and I was interested in learning about these, to understand how the BIRT project functions. I think it would be helpful for the community to understand how some of the workings of the PMC are handled in terms of types of items they vote on and I thought a good place for this information would be the website.
----- Original Message ----
From: Wenfeng Li <wli@xxxxxxxxxxx>
To: home4slc@xxxxxxxxxxx; Rima Kanguri <rkanguri@xxxxxxxxxxx>; birt-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Sent: Wednesday, January 17, 2007 6:52:59 PM
Subject: RE: [birt-dev] Daily build <20070110-0630> is ready to be voted asBIRT2.2.0 M4 Build
Hi, Susan
In the past, the voting timeline is 24 hours after the voting request email.
As to how decision are made that affects the project and which types of items are voted on. I don't I have a definite answer. My understanding is to have a meritocracy system. The more you contribute the more responsibility you will earn. At the end, it is the committer who makes the decisions. PMC is a committee to coordinate the development activities within BIRT and with other Eclipse projects.
Hi, Wenfeng,
Thanks for the clarification.
How do the leads or PMC members know when the voting is closed? The original message did not state a date or time.
Also, I think it would be helpful if a page was added to the BIRT web site about how decisions are made that affect the project, and which types of items are voted on. This would help to educate the community about how things work amongst the committers and PMC members.
I can volunteer to create a page if someone can give me the content, as well as the information about how to add pages (or create them for contribution) to the web site.
----- Original Message ----
From: Wenfeng Li <wli@xxxxxxxxxxx>
To: home4slc@xxxxxxxxxxx; Rima Kanguri <rkanguri@xxxxxxxxxxx>; birt-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Sent: Wednesday, January 17, 2007 5:42:33 PM
Subject: RE: [birt-dev] Daily build <20070110-0630> is ready to be voted asBIRT2.2.0 M4 Build
Hi, Susan
The vote happens at the birt-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx mailing list. The leads or PMC members will response in email with -1 if they think there is showstopper with the build. When it (a -1 vote) happens, we need to discuss it on the PMC meeting and/or the birt-dev mailing list about the issue and solution to it.
I did not see anything on the BIRT web site or on the wiki (if I missed it can you point me to the URL?) about where votes for a release occur. I looked at the birt-pmc archives, and did not notice any call for votes on this.
Can you explain how this occurs? I think this would be helpful for community members to know how these votes occur, and this information would be good to have on the BIRT web site.
----- Original Message ----
From: Rima Kanguri <rkanguri@xxxxxxxxxxx>
To: birt-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Sent: Tuesday, January 16, 2007 7:03:10 PM
Subject: [birt-dev] Daily build <20070110-0630> is ready to be voted as BIRT2.2.0 M4 Build
Fellow BIRT committers,
Thanks for your great effort. Daily build <20070110-0630> has passed smoke tests. Project leads and PMC members please check out the daily build and response if it can be released as the BIRT 2.2.0M4 Build.
Build <20070110-0630> can be downloaded from the BIRT download page: http://download.eclipse.org/birt/downloads/.