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[birt-dev] Eclipse BIRT PMC Meeting Minutes - Monday, September 11, 2006

Title: Eclipse BIRT PMC Meeting Minutes - Monday, September 11, 2006


BIRT PMC, 10am Pacific, Monday, September 11, 2006


Wenfeng Li - BIRT PMC Lead - Actuate Corporation (
Paul Clenahan - BIRT PMC - Actuate Corporation (
Scott Rosenbaum - BIRT PMC - Innovent Solutions (
Mike Fox - BIRT PMC - IBM Corporation (


BIRT 2.1.1 Planning

The BIRT 2.1.1 maintenance release continues to be planned for a September 29, 2006. This will be a coordinated release with a number of other Eclipse projects (see

The development plan for the BIRT 2.1.1 release is available at: All items already addressed in the release, or scheduled to be addressed can be found in Bugzilla.

We are down to a few remaining bugs that need to be addressed in the release. From the BIRT project team perspective once these are addressed, no other changes are planning unless any last minute show-stoppers are found. We plan to wait until Wednesday 20th for additional feedback before releasing the software.

As with previous releases, the final build will be created at or near the release date and an email sent to the BIRT PMC requesting final approval for the release.

MS Word Emitter Project

The MS Word Emitter Project is going through code review. We are also determining if it is possible to provide this as a separate download for BIRT 2.1.1.

As part of this project, the development team may have some proposals on how to improve the emitter extension point APIs. This is pending discussion but may identify a candidate BIRT 2.2 project.

BIRT 2.2 Planning

The next BIRT major release will be BIRT 2.2 or 3.0 -- with the final feature set determining the release designation.

There are a number of initial projects assigned to this release in Bugzilla and we are working on a draft project plan. We hope to have an initial draft for PMC review by next week's PMC meeting.

BIRT Events

The following upcoming events will include talks on BIRT and/or Actuate sponsored BIRT booths:

Eclispe Members Meeting on September 20-21, 2006 - Dallas, TX - - BIRT Demo

Eclipse Summit Europe on October 11-12, 2006 - Esslingen, Germany - -  One talk on the BIRT project.

IBM Information On Demand 2006 - 15-20 Oct 2006 - - Introduction to BIRT talk.

Zend/PHP Conference & Expo on October 29 - November 2, 2006 - San Jose, CA - - One talk on the BIRT project.

EclipseCon 2007 on March 5-8, 2007 - Santa Clara, CA - - 5 long (1 hour) sessions, 6 short (10 mins) sessions, 1 demo/panel, 2 demos, 1 long (3hrs) tutorials, and 3 short (2hr) tutorials allocated to BIRT.

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