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[birt-dev] CheckIn: Fix bug 156317 [Deploy][WAS5]Preview report with XML data source in LAN failed in frameset servlet.

-          Summary:

CheckIn: Fix bug 156317 [Deploy][WAS5]Preview report with XML data source in LAN failed in frameset servlet.

- Bugzilla Bug (s) Resolved:
156317 [Deploy][WAS5]Preview report with XML data source in LAN failed in frameset servlet.


-          Description:

This bug consists of two part:

1.The report is ok in run mode but incorrect in frameset mode, this is because a misuse of engine method in ModelDteApiAdapter in engine packages.I have changed the code so that it now use correct method. The behavior of frameset mode and run mode would be same.


2.The reason that the report cannot be correctly populated is that jdk1.4.1 has a bug in parsing strings with file protocal format. This bug has been fixed in jdk1.4.2. Websphere 5 however uses jdk 1.4.1. Websphere use jdk1.4.2 so that would not have this problem.We should suggest user to update to jdk 1.4.2 to solve the problem.


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