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[birt-dev] Problems with ouput to CSV format from java

Hello, I have some java code that generates a report in pdf format, but I haven't been able to generate the report in CSV format, can anyone help me?
I'm using this to generate the report in PDF:
IRunAndRenderTask task = motorReportes.createRunAndRenderTask( reporte );
      HTMLRenderOption options = new HTMLRenderOption();
      // String output = nomArchivo.replaceFirst( ".rptdesign",
      // System.currentTimeMillis()
      // + "." + HTMLRenderOption.OUTPUT_FORMAT_PDF );
      byte[] bytesReporte = null;
      ByteArrayOutputStream os = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
      options.setOutputFormat( HTMLRenderOption.OUTPUT_FORMAT_PDF );
      // output = PropiedadesSistema.RUTA_REPORTES + output;
      // options.setOutputFileName( output );
      options.setOutputStream( os );
      task.setRenderOption( options );
      task.setParameterValues( params );
      // Run the report.
      try {;
      catch ( EngineException e ) {
         logger.error( "Couldn't execute report " + nomArchivo, e );
         throw new ReportesException( "Couldn't execute report", e );
I cannot see any HTMLRenderOption.OUTPUT_FORMAT_PDF, for CSV format, how could I export to CSV?
I'm using birt 2.1.
Thanks a lot,
Any help would be very appreciated

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