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[birt-dev] Eclipse BIRT PMC Meeting Minutes - Monday, June 19, 2006

Title: Eclipse BIRT PMC Meeting Minutes - Monday, June 19, 2006


BIRT PMC, 10am Pacific, Monday, June 19, 2006


Wenfeng Li - BIRT PMC Lead - Actuate Corporation (
Paul Clenahan - BIRT PMC - Actuate Corporation (
Jason Weathersby - BIRT PMC - Actuate Corporation (
Mike Fox - BIRT PMC - IBM Corporation (


BIRT 2.1 RC 5 Update

BIRT 2.1 is part of the Eclipse Callisto Simultaneous Release (

The next Milestone is BIRT 2.1 RC5, which is targeted for tomorrow, June 20, 2006. The team have addressed approximately 600 defects and/or enhancements in RC5.

The next activity is to turn our attention to RC6, the final RC, which is targeted for June 28. RC6 will be the basis for the final release on June 30. There are a number of outstanding Bugzilla entries that we want to fix for RC6 (approximately 25 at time of writing). As always, refer to Bugzilla for a detailed list of the work assigned for RC6.

BIRT 2.1 New & Notable Document

Jason is working on the New & Notable document for BIRT 2.1. He estimates that he will have a version available for initial review at the end of this week. He will distribute the draft to the birt-dev for review and comment.

Who is Using BIRT

We plan to add content the BIRT web site (a "BIRT Watchers" page?) that shows the companies who are using BIRT technology that we are aware of. The goal is to show the different ways that the community is using BIRT to help foster more ideas on how BIRT can be applied in different applications.

This page will be added sometime after BIRT 2.1 is released.

InetSoft Participation

Larry from InetSoft was not able to make this week's PMC meeting, so no update on this area this week.

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