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[birt-dev] Eclipse BIRT PMC Meeting Minutes - Monday, April 24, 2006

Title: Eclipse BIRT PMC Meeting Minutes - Monday, April 24, 2006


BIRT PMC, 10am Pacific, Monday, April 24, 2006


Wenfeng Li - BIRT PMC Lead - Actuate Corporation (
Paul Clenahan - BIRT PMC - Actuate Corporation (
Jason Weathersby - BIRT PMC - Actuate Corporation (
Mike Fox - BIRT PMC - IBM Corporation (


BIRT 2.1 RC1

BIRT 2.1 RC1 was completed over the weekend, including full testing with Eclipse Platform 3.2 RC1. Subsequent to this testing, the Platform team released RC1a. Rather than provide BIRT 2.1 RC1 on the Eclipse 3.2 RC1 build, we decided to go ahead and retest with RC1a.

BIRT 2.1 RC1a is now available for downloading and testing by the community from the BIRT build pages. Note that the build number is the same as BIRT RC0 since this was a retest and packaging, with no code changes required on the BIRT side.

Please test and provide feedback via Bugzilla.

Improving iText Download Experience

Jason Weathersby contacted Bruno Lowagie (the author of iText) to see if he would be willing to host a plugin for Eclipse BIRT that makes it easier for BIRT users to download and use iText. He was open to the idea but this would probably be from a SourceForge site rather than due to bandwidth issues.

Pre-Requisites for BIRT 2.1 Installation

Jason indicated that there have been some postings on the BIRT newsgroup recently regarding pre-requisites for a BIRT 2.1 install. We confirmed that the configuration information in the Development Plan ( is correct and should be used as the refernce point. As part of this, it should be noted that Eclipse 3.2 is a requirement for BIRT 2.1.

Tracking/Flagging Code Changes That Impact Web Site and Documentation

Continuing the discussion from last week on how to better flag code changes that impact the examples on the web site and documentation, Paul talked to the documentation team. They are going to develop a proposal for a lightweight process in this area.

BIRT Events

The following upcoming events will include talks on BIRT and/or Actuate sponsored BIRT booths:

MySQL User Conference on April 24-27, 2006 - Santa Clara, CA - - Two talks on BIRT and an Actuate sponsored booth.

Eclipse Forum Europe on May 8-11 - Wiesbaden, Germany - - One talk and an Actuate sponsored booth.

IBM Rational Software Development Conference on June 4-8 - Orlando, FL - - One talk.

Actuate International User Conference on Aug 21-23 - Agenda TBD but will include talks on BIRT.

BIRT Articles

The BIRT team are working on articles for possible inclusion:

Eclipse Review magazine

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