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[birt-dev] Eclipse BIRT PMC Meeting Minutes - Monday, April 17, 2006

Title: Eclipse BIRT PMC Meeting Minutes - Monday, April 17, 2006


BIRT PMC, 10am Pacific, Monday, , April 17, 2006


Wenfeng Li - BIRT PMC Lead - Actuate Corporation (
Paul Clenahan - BIRT PMC - Actuate Corporation (
Jason Weathersby - BIRT PMC - Actuate Corporation (
Mike Fox - BIRT PMC - IBM Corporation (


BIRT 2.1 RC0 Availability

The BIRT Release Candidate (RC) 0 build was made available for download over the weekend. The BIRT community is encouraged to download and test this build. As always, please provide feedback via Bugzilla.

One of the major changes in BIRT 2.1 RC0 is the repackaging of the "features" to JAR mapping that is required as part of the Callisto Simultaneous release. As a result, users will see a significant change to the structure of the individual modules within BIRT. This includes new locations for the 3rd party iText and prototype.js files that BIRT uses.

There are a number of additional features from the BIRT 2.1 plan that implemented in RC0. For details, refer to the BIRT 2.1 Development Plan at

BIRT 2.1 Schedule

BIRT 2.1 continues to track with the Callisto Simultaneous release schedule. For details of the Callisto schedule, see

The schedule for BIRT 2.1 is:

M5                                              Friday, 3-Mar-06                Done
RC0 Feature Complete    Friday, 7-Apr-06        Done
RC0                                     Friday, 15-Apr-06       Done
RC1                                     Friday, 21-Apr-06       RC1 will use the existing BIRT RC0 build but smoke test and repackage with platform/EMF/GEF/DTP's RC1 build

RC 2                                    Friday, 5-May-06        Feature Freeze - only Bug Fixes after this point, no new features will go in. All Checkins require Bugzilla entry

RC3                                     Friday, 19-May-06       Product owners need to approve all Bug fixes in respective areas

RC4                                     Friday, 31-May-06       Code Freeze. More than one project leads and PMC members must approve all changes (with associated Bugzilla entry)

RC5                                     Friday, 20-Jun-06       BIRT 2.1 Release Candidate. PMC to approve any required code changes with downstream consumer sign off

RC6                                     Wed, 28-Jun-06          Gold Master
GA                                              Friday, 30-Jun-06       Callisto GA (BIRT 2.1 Release)

BIRT 2.1 Feature Highlights

For the overall Callisto launch, Ian has asked for the top features in BIRT 2.1 we would like to highlight. We need to decide which features from the overall feature set to promote as part of BIRT 2.1.

BIRT Build Information on Download Web Pages

The BIRT nightly build download pages have now been updated to include links to more detailed information on the status of each build. The goal is to make it easier for the community to determine if they want to use a particular build. The information can be found at the bottom of the download page for a given build in a new section called "Build Status Report". Note that this section is dynamically shown when the information is available. This section will not be present if there is no build status information available.

BIRT SDK Download

We have introduced a new "SDK" download that includes all the Source Code for BIRT. This provides a more convenient mechanism to get BIRT source code than accessing the code directly from CVS.

Tracking/Flagging Code Changes That Impact Web Site and Documentation

We continued the discussion started last week on how to flag changes in the code that affect UI and public APIs to ensure that the changes are reflected in the downstream areas such as the web site and documentation. Right now, the individuals who are responsible for each of these areas check all Bugzilla entries for changes that affect their areas. While Bugzilla is clearly the tracking system and source of the information, we discussed processes that can make this more efficient. No conclusions at this stage and the discussion will need to continue.

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