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RE: [birt-dev] BIRT Committer Nomination - Mike J. Boyersmith

Title: BIRT Committer Nomination - Mike J. Boyersmith
Yes. I agreed to accept Mike J. Boyersmith as a committer to BIRT data subproject.
 - Wenbin He
 BIRT designer project lead
-----Original Message-----
From: birt-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:birt-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx]On Behalf Of Gary Xue
Sent: Monday, January 30, 2006 12:50 PM
To: For developers on the BIRT project
Subject: [birt-dev] BIRT Committer Nomination - Mike J. Boyersmith

The BIRT Data Engine team would like to nominate Mike J. Boyersmith (IBM Rational Software) to be a committer on the BIRT Data subproject. Mike has made valuable past contributions to the requirement and specification of several BIRT 2.0 features, such as XML data source, dynamic property binding and data source UI etc. We look forward to bringing in his expertise in software development and XML reporting to the BIRT development effort.

Would BIRT committers kindly reply to this email and indicate whether you accept this nomination.



Gary Xue

Actuate Corporation - Product Development

BIRT Committer

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