- Summary:
Fix bug 124761: When add two filters, one is 'State is equal to CA' and the
other is 'EmployeeId is Top 10',the data can be extracted
- Bugzilla Bug (s) Resolved:
Bug 124761: When add two filters, one is 'State is equal to CA' and the other
is 'EmployeeId is Top 10',the data can be extracted
- Description:
This bug is caused by the incomplete fix of bug124584: The filter definitions
are supposed to be order-insensitive. Before doing filtering process, the
filter list needs to be sorted first to let the Top/Bottom filter at the beginning
of the list, and then it can satisfy the internal algorithm requirement.
- Tests Description:
Junit Test
- Files Edited:
- Files Added:
- Notes to
Build Team:
- Notes to Developers:
- Notes to QA:
- Notes to