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[birt-dev]CheckIn: Fix Bugzilla Bug --- several bugs and enhancement

Title: [birt-dev]CheckIn: Fix Bugzilla Bug --- several bugs and enhancement

1) remove the document after closing the render task.
2) change the report document's file extension from .zip to .rptdocument in report runner.
3) add IReportContext in IReportItemGeneration and IReportItemPresentation
4) add sub-query support in render task
5) modify the output error message for none-named elements.

Bugzilla Bug (s) Resolved:

Can't remove the report document after closed the render task
        If we open the file based report archive twice or more times, the file will be opend multiple times. In the render task, we accept the report achive object as the input paramters, incase the arhicive is not open, the archive is opened in the render task. If the archive is opened before passing to the render task, it will be open twice. The file handle in the first opening is missing.

        Add codes in the report archive codes to avoid open the file stream mutliple times and passing the render task a un-opened report archive.

Change the report document's file extension from .zip to .rptdocument
        In the report runner, if the user doesn't specifiy the output file the report runner creates the output file automatcially. It uses the design name with extension name .zip as the output file. It is correct in previous version while the file based archive is a ZIP file. After we changing the file based archive to our own formats, it's better to change it to .rptdocument.

Add support for IReportContext in the IReportItemGeneration and IReportPresentation
        IReportContext is needed for java-based scripting in the extended item generation and presentation.

Add support for nested query in render task

Output the element id if the name of element is null.
        If an error occurs, the engine output the error messages to the HTML output. The output use the name of the element to specifiy the error position. If the name is empty, it output a string "NULL". It is usless for diagonose. Output the element id which is a unique long in the report design if the name is empty.

Test Description:
Manual Test
Files Edited:
cvs ci -m "nested query support in render task" -l

cvs ci -m "nested query support in render task" -l "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/" "/"

Files Added:

Notes to Build Team:
Notes to Developers:

Notes to QA:
Quotes to Documentation:

-Wei Yan

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