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[basyx-dev] Aasx_PackEx_Tutorial_-_EN_-_51_Connect_AASX_Server_Repository

Hi Basyx community,

Good Day!

With all the great help, I have deployed BaSyx Image eclipsebasyx/aas-server:latest over Azure Kubernetes Service. [Attached here, all the steps].

I have enabled a service of type LoadBalancer with port 4001. With this, now I can access the AAS from Kuberenetes pod with service over http://{IP}:4001/aasServer/shells

Next requirement - I want to access this server's AAS in AASX. 

I have checked - video

There service is accessible for AAS Model and service has been consumed in AASX using AASX File Repository -> Connect HTTP/REST repository.. 

Questions - 
1] Where this AAS model is deployed and how these 2 different endpoints 
are exposed? Is there any step by step execution document available?
2] How to perform these steps over kubernetes to have such 2 endpoints?

Note - For clarity, attaching here the steps performed to upload BaSyx Image over AKS.

Best Regards,
az login

az group create --name <resource-group name> --location <azure region>

az aks create --resource-group <resource-group name> --name <aks cluster name> --node-count 2 --generate-ssh-keys

az aks get-credentials --resource-group <resource-group name> --name <aks cluster name  --overwrite-existing --file C:\Users\<user name>.kube\config -f

kubectl get pods

## Microsoft Voting APP for testing
#kubectl apply -f "F:\Azure\Subscription\Microsoft Sample Voting App\azure-vote.yaml"
#kubectl get service azure-vote-front --watch

## Upload BaSyx image over AKS
kubectl apply -f "F:\Azure\Subscription\aasvolvo-workload.yml"
## Watch for External IP which won't generate because of   type: ClusterIP defined
kubectl get service aasvolvoservice --watch

## Generate type: LoadBalancer for POD BaSyx image accessibility
kubectl apply -f "F:\Azure\Subscription\aasvolvo-Service.yml"
## Watch for External IP for accessing External LoadBalancer Public IP
kubectl get service aasvolvoservice --watch

Attachment: aasvolvo-workload.yml
Description: Binary data

Attachment: aasvolvo-Service.yml
Description: Binary data

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