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[basyx-dev] Preparation 1.0 Release of Java SDK

Dear BaSyx community,


we are currently preparing the 1.0 release of the Java SDK and the off-the-shelf components. As soon as the release is done, you will find all relevant artifacts e.g. on Maven Central, making it even easier to get started with the BaSyx SDK.


In the course of this, we have also made several minor changes to the Java BaSyx SDK to provide a more consistent look and feel. As an example, the spelling of "Submodel" (formerly "SubModel") has been aligned with that of the Industrie 4.0 platform. In a typical BaSyx application, the update to the 1.0 release involves only a few name changes in the code.


To enable you to easily migrate the existing code to the 1.0 release, below is the list of names that have been changed.



- Asset Administration Shell:

                - SubModel -> Submodel

                - Operation.setInvocable -> Operation.setInvokable

                - VABMultiSubmodelProvider -> MultiSubmodelProvider

                - PropertyValueTypeDef -> ValueType

                - PropertyValueTypeDefHelper -> ValueTypeHelper

                - DirectoryModelProvider -> AASRegistryModelProvider

                - setSemanticID -> setSemanticId

                - AASHTTPServer -> BaSyxHTTPServer

                - VABAASAPI, VABAASAPIFactory wurde in ein anderes Paket verschoben (Import löschen, "Add Import" in Eclipse)

                - IAASRegistryService -> IAASRegistry

                - AASBundleIngegrator -> AASBundleHelper


- VAB:

                - IVABDirectoryService -> IVABRegistryService

                - InMemoryDirectory -> VABInMemoryDirectory

                - VABDirectoryProxy -> VABRegistryProxy

                - DirectoryModelProvider -> VABRegistryModelProvider

                - IModelProvider.setModelPropertyValue() -> IModelProvider.setValue()

                - IModelProvider.getModelPropertyValue() -> IModelProvider.getValue()

                - ConnectorProvider -> ConnectorFactory

                - HTTPConnectorProvider -> HTTPConnectorFactory

                - BaSyxConnectorProvider -> BaSyxConnectorFactory


In addition, functions marked as "Deprecated" have been removed. For each removed function, there exists a simplified function that is functionally equivalent. These are as follows:


- ConnectedAssetAdministrationShell.createAAS(AAS, IIdentifier, String) -> createAAS(AAS, String)

- ConnectedAssetAdministrationShell(VABElementProxy, ConnectedAASManager) -> ConnectedAssetAdministrationShell(VABElementProxy)

- Property.get -> getValue()

- Property.set -> setValue()

- AdministrativeInformation.setRevision/setVersion -> setVersionInformation

- SubmodelElementCollection.addElement -> addSubmodelElement


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.


Best regards,




Frank Schnicke

Expert Engineer »Industrie 4.0 System Architectures«

Dept. Embedded Software Engineering


Fraunhofer IESE

Fraunhofer-Platz 1 | 67663 Kaiserslautern

+49 631 6800-2259



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